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====New Classes====
====New Classes====
* [[Astrologian]], a new arcane spellcasting class with it's own unique feats and spell list
* [[Astrologian]], a new arcane spellcasting class with it's own unique feats and spell list
* [[Swashbuckler]], a new martial class that gets bonuses from dexterity and intelligence
* [[Fencer]], a new martial class that gets bonuses from dexterity and intelligence
====Base Class Adjustments====
====Base Class Adjustments====

Latest revision as of 18:08, 3 July 2024

General Changes


  • EFU Secondary Skills system has been removed
  • All classes now get 2 additional skill point per level
  • All classes get access to the following skills:
    • Alchemy
    • Archaeology
    • Astronomy
    • Athletics
    • Bluff
    • Building
    • Consecration
    • Cooking
    • Engineering
    • Fishing
    • Herbalism
    • Intimidate
    • Mining
    • Painting
    • Persuade
    • Sailing
    • Smithing
    • Survival
    • Tailoring
Further descriptions are available here.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: All.

Alchemy is used to create arcane materials and conduct experiments.

Use: Place reagents onto an Alchemist's Apparatus.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Archaeology is used to locate and preserve antiquities.

Use: Selected.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Astronomy is the art, science, and discipline of studying the stars. It can help you guide a caravan through the sands, use a telescope, or navigate away from a terrible storm. Astrologians draw particular power from this discipline, and taking ranks in this skill enhances many of their spells and abilities.

Use: Selected.
Ability: Strength.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Athletics improves your ability to climb and swim.

Check: Each rank increases your ability to climb and swim.
Use: Automatic.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Building allows you to create shelter and furnishings.

Use: Selected.
Ability: Charisma.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Consecration allows you to perform prayers and rituals.

Use: Selected.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Cooking is used to create food and drink.

Use: Place reagents onto a campfire or stove.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: All.

Herbalism is used to create natural remedies and totems.

Use: Place reagents onto an Herbalism Apparatus.
Ability: Wisdom.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Mining allows you to locate and extract minerals.

Use: Selected.
Ability: Charisma.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Painting allows you to create art.

Use: Selected.
Ability: Wisdom.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Sailing allows you to navigate bodies of water, reducing the cost of travel.

Use: Automatic.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Smithing allows you to work metal.

Use: Selected.
Ability: Wisdom.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Survival improves your ability to live off the land, allowing you to rest without consuming food.

Use: Automatic.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Tailoring allows you to weave cloth and manufacture stylish clothes.

Use: Selected.
Ability: Wisdom.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.

Fishing allows you to catch fish.

Use: Equip a fishing pole, use it to select your bait, then interact with a fishing spot.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: All.

Engineering is used to create mechanical devices.

Use: Place reagents onto a Tinker's Apparatus.

Racial changes

Two new options are available

  • Stonefolk have been added as a new base race
  • Ashfolk have been added as a new application only Halfling subrace

Following races have been removed

  • Half-Orc
  • Recondite
  • Drow
  • Half-Drow
  • Svirfneblin
  • Mongrels
  • Deep Orc


New Classes

  • Astrologian, a new arcane spellcasting class with it's own unique feats and spell list
  • Fencer, a new martial class that gets bonuses from dexterity and intelligence

Base Class Adjustments

  • Barbarian Furors have been Removed
  • Barbarians have a new set of pure Barbarian perks to choose from
  • Barbarian Rage
    • Duration is equal to 7 + CON rounds (previously Wisdom based)
    • Bonuses to Strength and Constitution is equal to 4 + 1 per unmodified CHA
  • Bonus Barbarian Movement Speed at level 7 has been removed
  • Barbarian Physical Damage Immunity
    • Level 5: +10% Physical Damage Immunity
    • Level 7: +10% Physical Damage Immunity (previously level 8)
  • New Relic system and unique Cleric feats
    • Cleric 3: Relic Sacrifice, consecrate Divine Relics to gain sacrificed relic points
    • Cleric 4: Relic Enhance, consecrate your own Divine Relic and enhance its properties permanently.
    • Cleric 6: Relic Enchant, consecrate your own Divine Relic with various temporary item properties.
    • Cleric 8: Sanctify Item, consecrate any item to be only usable by followers of the Cleric’s deity.
  • New Deity worship system
    • Entirely new pantheon of local deities has been added
    • Bonuses spell effects on creatures that share your Deity
    • Clerics get bonuses to Turn Undead the more prominent their deity
    • Other possible benefits…
  • Clerics have gained access to three new spells
  • Updates to many existing Domains
Domain Changes 
  • Creation Primary Domain
    • Turn Undead
    • Innate: Trackless Step & Animal Friendly (Level 5)
    • 1st Circle: Entangle
    • 3rd Circle: Spike Growth
    • 4th Circle: Barkskin
  • Frost Primary Domain
    • Turn Undead
    • Innate: Resist Energy Cold (Level 5)
    • 1st Circle: Ice Dagger
    • 3rd Circle: Wall of Ice
    • 4th Circle: Ice Storm
  • Ooze Primary Domain (previously Secondary domain)
    • Turn Undead
    • Innate: Resist Energy Acid (Level 5)
    • 1st Circle: Grease
    • 3rd Circle: Stinking Cloud
    • 4th Circle: Evard’s Black Tentacles
  • Stars Primary Domain
  • Blood subdomain
    • Innate: Blooded
    • 2nd Circle: Heart Clutch
    • 3rd Circle: Vampiric Touch
    • 4th Circle: Blood Transcription
    • 5th Circle: Beltyn’s Burning Blood
  • Decay subdomain
    • Innate: Spell Focus Necromancy (level 5)
    • 2nd Circle: Contagion
    • 3rd Circle: Infestation of Maggots
    • 5th Circle: Enervation
  • Destruction subdomain (previously Primary)
    • No longer offers it’s previous turn undead options
    • Innate: Skill Focus Engineering
    • 3rd Circle: Gas Explosion
    • 4th Circle: Horizikaul’s Shout
    • 5th Circle: Crumble
    • 6th Circle: Disintegrate
  • Knowledge subdomain (previously Primary)
    • No longer offers it’s previous turn undead options
    • Innate: Skill Focus Lore
    • 1st Circle: Identify
    • 2nd Circle: Knock
    • 4th Circle: True Seeing
    • 5th Circle: Feeblemind
    • 6th Circle: Legend Lore
  • Moon subdomain
    • Innate: Skill Focus Divination
    • 1st Circle: Identify
    • 2nd Circle: Invisibility Purge
    • 4th Circle: Lunar Bolt
    • 5th Circle: Mind Fog
  • Poison subdomain
  • Time subdomain
    • 2nd Circle: Slow
    • 3rd Circle: Future Pain
    • 4th Circle: Haste
    • 7th Circle: Time Stop
  • Tyranny subdomain
  • Sand subdomain
    • Innate: +5% Movement Speed Increase
    • 2nd Circle: Death Armor (Sand)
    • 4th Circle: Stoneskin
    • 5th Circle: Elemental Shield (Rock)

All Domain updates are viewable here [Domain Spreadsheet]

  • Wild Shape has been removed
  • Animal Companions reworked
    • Removed Custom EFU animal companion training system
    • Choose from the available Animal Companions on level-up, including:
Animal Companions  
Dire Rat
Giant Spider
Wild Dog
  • Druids have gained additional spell slots, bringing them in line with clerics, in addition to the following changes:
    • Flame Lash
      • Changed to 1d6 fire damage + 1d6 per 2 CL
      • Moved from Druid 2 to Druid 1
    • Healing Sting
      • Moved from Druid 3 to Druid 2
    • Crumble
      • Moved from Druid 6 to Druid 5
    • Drown
      • Moved from Druid 6 to Druid 5
    • Slay Living
      • Moved from Druid 5 to Druid 6
  • Druids have gained access to a number of new spells
  • Animal Companions reworked
    • Removed Custom EFU animal companion training system
    • Choose from the available Animal Companions on level-up, including:
Animal Companions  
Dire Rat
Giant Spider
Wild Dog
  • Ranger-specific Spell Changes
    • Hearthfire has been moved from Ranger 1 to Ranger 2
    • Alter Self has been removed from Ranger’s spell list

Level 8 Rogue perk Swashbuckler has been renamed to Sand Dancer

  • Losing one spell known, starting at 3rd circle and higher
    • 1st and 2nd circles are unaffected
Sorcerer Spells Known by Level  
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 3
2 3
3 4
4 4 2
5 5 3
6 5 3 1
7 6 4 2
8 6 4 2 1
9 6 5 3 2
10 6 5 3 2 1
11 6 6 4 3 2
12 6 6 4 3 2 1
13 6 6 5 4 3 2

General Changes


  • New chat command /c Commotion
  • Checks important or widely-travelled parts of the hub and provides a broad summary of the amount of traffic in those areas.
  • Can only be used within said areas.

Simple Weapon Proficiency

  • Light Hammer has been moved from Martial Proficiency to Simple Proficiency
  • Light Flail has been moved from Martial Proficiency to Simple Proficiency

Warmace base weapon

  • Warmace damage dice increased from 2d4 to 3d4
  • Warmace critical multiplier reduced from 4 to 3

Summoning Themes

  • Light, Celestial, Devil, Infernal & Abyssal themes have been removed
  • Added four new evil Djinn Themes: Fire and Blood, Earth and Flesh, Air and Shadow, & Water and Light

Recovery XP disabled.

Item Crafting

Brew Potion, Craft Wand, and Scribe Scroll feats

  • Can no longer be bought from NPCs
  • When crafted by Arcane spellcasting classes are usable by one another:
    • Astrologian
    • Bard
    • Sorcerer
    • Wizard
  • When crafted by Divine spellcasting classes are usable by one another:
    • Cleric
    • Druid
    • Paladin
    • Ranger

Scribe Scroll

  • For every 5 ranks of Painting skill, the cost of scribe scroll is reduced by 1%
  • All spells can now be crafted as scrolls.
    • Previously, this was not always the case for Druids and Clerics.
    • This includes all spells awarded by Cleric Domains.

Four new feats

  • Silken Mail - Gain the effects of Mage Armor on your equipped armor once per day.
  • Drifter - Requires Wilderness Survival 5+, and you may rest without a campfire.
  • Herald - Requires Persuade 5+, and you make free sendings up to three times per day.
  • Arcane Physician - Requires Heal 5+, and increases the effects of all Cure Wounds spells (excluding Minor) by 1 point per 5 Heal skill.

Arcane Defense

Arcane Defense Changes:

Feats retain their vanilla effects, but in addition: Remove the Spell Focus requirement Must be able to cast 1st spell circle in order to take the feat.

Arcane Defense

1/day ability
Grants immunity to Lesser Dispel & Dispel Magic for a number of rounds equal to character level.
All summons around the caster in a collosal radius roll a will save against the character's level + 15 and are destroyed on a failed save.
Removes all See Invisibility effects and Divination sight spell effects (see invis / true seeing / clair) from all creatures in a collosal area
Grants immunity to mind spells for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Grants +10 Reflex for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Removes all invisibility effects from all creatures in a collosal area and grants See Invisibility for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Grants 50% immmunity to negative energy, and immunity to fear, death, and ability drain for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Grants immunity to slow, petrification, and involuntary shapechanging for a number of rounds equal to character level.

Spell Changes

General Spell Adjustments

Flame Lash

  • Changed to 1d6 fire damage + 1d6 per 2 CL


  • No longer provides damage immunity to Positive Energy


  • Moved from Bard 1 to Bard 2
  • Moved from Druid 1 to Druid 2
  • Moved from Ranger 1 to Ranger 2

Curse of Impending Blades

  • On failed save, also dispels the effects of Shield, Shield of Faith, and Shield Other from the target
  • This change applies to Mass Curse of Impending Blades as well

Virulent Walking Bomb

  • Caster may now choose an element between Acid, Fire, or Negative Energy
  • Moved from Sorcerer 3 to Sorcerer 4
  • Moved from Wizard 3 to Wizard 4

Devastating Bodyswap

  • Save switched from Will to Fort
  • If the caster is a PC, they can only target other PCs or hostile creatures

Lesser Restoration

  • Now removes only ability decrease

Remove Curse

  • Also removes the following bad effects: Ability decrease, Skill decrease, AC decrease, AB decrease, damage decrease, Damage immunity decrease, Saving decrease, Movement Speed decrease

Lunar Bolt

  • Inflicts magical damage according to the day of the month
  • Minimum damage is 0, at the beginning and end of each months
  • Maximum is 4d4 magical damage on the 15th of each month

Summon Storm

  • Removed


  • Removed

Summon Shadow (Shadow Conjuration)

  • If the caster targets themselves, the mental stats of the shadow are locked at the following values:
    • Maximum of 11 for Shadow Conjuration
    • Maximum of 12 for Greater Shadow Conjuration
    • Maximum of 13 for Shades
  • If the caster wasn’t the target, or an item was used, the mental stats are locked at 3
  • Shadows are now able to cast low level spells, limited by their mental stats