Spell Focus

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On EFU, having Spell Focus in different spell schools will give various benefits to certain spells.


Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus Arcane Defense
Bigby's Interposing Hand - Duration is increased to 2 rounds per caster level -
Clarity increases the duration to 2 rounds / level increases the duration to 4 rounds / level and also applies the buff on yourself if cast on another target -
Death Ward - grants the buff to the caster in addition to the target -
Dispel Magic Increases caster level limit by +2 Increases caster level limit by additional +2 Gain +1 against caster level checks to dispel your effects
Elemental Shield Increases damage immunity to 65% for cold and fire Increases immunity to 80% for cold and fire -
Endure Elements Increases absorption limit by 5 Increases absorption limit by an additional 5 -
Globe of Invulnerability - increases the duration when cast to 2 rounds / level. Wizard also requires Spell School Abjuration -
Greater Dispelling Increases caster level limit by +2 Increases caster level limit by additional +2 Gain +1 against caster level checks to dispel your effects
Greater Spell Breach Dispel +1 Effect Dispel Additional +1 Effect When targeted, -1 effect dispelled
Healing Circle heals 2d8 +1 per caster level instead. heals 3d8 +1 per caster level instead. -
Lesser Dispel Increases caster level limit by +2 Increases caster level limit by additional +2 Gain +1 against caster level checks to dispel your effects
Lesser Mind Blank - grants the buff to the caster in addition to the target. -
Lesser Spell Breach Dispel +1 Effect Dispel Additional +1 Effect When targeted, -1 effect dispelled
Minor Globe of Invulnerability - Increases the duration when cast to 2 rounds / level. Wizard also requires Spell School Abjuration -
Negative Energy Protection - grants the buff to the caster in addition to the target. -
Neutralize Poison increases poison immunity duration to 3 rounds per caster level increases poison immunity duration to 4 rounds per caster level. -
Protection from Elements Increases absorption limit by 5 Increases absorption limit by an additional 5 -
Remov e Curse - grants the target immunity to curses for 1 hour / caster level. -
Resist Elements Increases absorption limit by 5 Increases absorption limit by an additional 5 -
Resistance grants the target 1/+1 DR, to an absorption limit of 10 grants the target 2/+1 DR, to an absorption limit of 10 -
Shelgarn's Persistant Blade - Increases duration to 2 minutes / level. -
Shield grants the target a +2 armor enhancement bonus (does not stack with mage armor or base AC from armor) grants the target a +4 armor enhancement bonus -
Summon Shadow - shadow gains Spell Resistance 12, 14 and 16 respectively -


Spell Focus: Conjuration will reduce the point cost of an individual creature by 1/4.

Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration will reduce the point cost of an individual creature by 1/2

Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus
Acid Fog Increases duration to 1 round/level Increases duration to 2 rounds/level
Grease causes -2 to reflex saves for 10 rounds on any who fail the reflex save in grease. Reflex penalty does not stack. increases duration to 2 rounds / level.
Mestil's Acid Sheath Grants 40% acid immunity Grants 80% acid immunity
Mind Fog increases duration to 2 rounds/level Increases duratation to 3 rounds/level
Stinking Cloud increases duration to 2 rounds/level Also causes a 1d2 CON loss if fortitude save fails
Summon Monster Increases Duration to 5 rounds/level Increases duration to 6 rounds/level
Summon Shadow - Duration increased by 5 rounds (Sorcerer)
Web grants sticky webs: movement speed reduce stays for 1d4 rounds after leaving the webbed area. increases duration to 2 rounds / level.


Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus
Clairvoyance/Clairaudience Increases duration to 5 rounds/level Increases duration to 7 rounds/level. Self target: Gain 5/+1 damage reduction
Clarity Grants +5 Concentration and +2 Lore Grants +10 Concentration and +4 Lore
Dispel Magic Direct Target: Destroy a mirror image. Area target: Destroy up to 3 mirror images Area target: Destroy up to 6 mirror images
Feeblemind Chance to dispel PfA to 60% Chance to dispel PfA to 90%. Adds drained abilities to caster for 1 round/level
Fin d Traps Max Trap DC of 23 Max Trap DC of 26. Causes all creatures holding traps to glow bright red for 3 rounds. Destroys all mirror images in area.
Greater Dispelling Direct Target: Destroy a mirror image. Area target: Destroy up to 5 mirror images Area target: Destroy up to 10 mirror images
Lesser Dispel Direct Target: Destroy a mirror image. Area target: Destroy up to 1 mirror images Area target: Destroy up to 2 mirror images
Lesser Mind Blank Increases duration to 2 turns/level Increases duration to 3 turns/level
Remove Blindness/Deafness Blindness/Deafness immunity increased to 1 turn/level Blindness/Deafness immunity increased to 1 hour/level
See Invisibility - Doubles Duration
True Strike Grants +20 AB Grants +25 AB
Ultravision Grants +3 Spot Grants +4 Spot
Wounding Whispers Grants +1 lore/3 caster levels Grants +1 Lore/2 caster levels


Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus
Balagarn's Iron Horn Opposed roll of 18 STR Opposed roll of 22 STR
Chaav's Laugh - Duration is doubled
Charm Monster Grants +2 Additional DC Grants +3 Additional DC
Charm Person Grants +1 Additional DC Grants +2 Additional DC
Charm Person or Animal 15% chance to dispel all Protection from Alignment spells first 50% chance to dispel all Protection from Alignment spells first
Dominate Person - Increases duration to 1 round/level
Mind Fog - Strips all creatures of all Protection from Alignment spells
Slee p Doubles numbers of creatures that can fall asleep -
True Strike - Provides all nearby non-Hostiles +1 AB for 1 round/level


By choosing Greater Spell Focus: Evocation, your chosen Flame Weapon element adds a special effect to spells that deal elemental damage.

Cold: Damaged targets make a saving throw or are slowed for 1 round.

Fire: Damaged targets make a saving throw or are set on fire. They continue to receive 1d4 damage per round until a successful save is made.

Acid: Damaged targets make a save or experience -2 Armor Class for 1d6 rounds.

Electrical: Damaged targets spread 1d4 lightning damage to other nearby targets.

Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus
Elemental Shield increases duration to 2 rounds/level Increased duration to 3 rounds/level
Gust of Wind Deals 2d4 Magical damage to all who fail the fort save Deals 3d4 magical damage to all who fail the fort save
Shelgarn's Persistant Blade Maximum of 3 animated weapons active (level 4+) Maximum of 5 animated weapons active (level 7+)
Sound Burst - Causes fort save vs deafness for 1 turn/level
Summon Shadow - Shadow gains 20%/30%/50% increase mov e speed, respectively
Wall of Fire Increases duration to 1 round/level Increases duration to 2 rounds/level
Wounding Whisper Huge Aoe that deals 1d8 + 1/caster level sonic damage to all enemies increases damage to 2d8 + 1 / caster level and makes enemies roll fort save against deafness


Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus
Displacement Increases maximum # of mirror images by 2 Increases maximum # of mirror images by additional 2
Ghostly Visage 15% Concealment 20% Concealment
Invisibility Sphere Duration increases to 1 turn/ 3 caster levels Duration increases to 1 turn / 2 caster levels
Summon Shadow - Caster becomes ethereal for 1 round after self-casting


Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus
Death Armor Increases duration to 2 rounds/level, 25% negative damage immunity Increases duration to 3 rounds/level and grants 50% negative damage immunity
Negative Energy Burst Increases damage to 2d8 + 1/Caster level Increases strength drain to 1 +1/4 caster levels on will save failure
Negative Energy Ray Casting spell causes additional 1d6 negative damage (Sorcerer) Target undead gains +2 Regen for 1 round/level
Ray of Enfeeblement Target undead gains +1 STR/3 levels for 1 round/level Casts Expeditious Retreat on target undead for 1 round/level
Scare Additional +1 DC Grants Additional +1 DC
Slee p Applies Doom spell for sleep duration + 5 rounds after waking Dooms duration after waking is increased to 5 + 1 round/level
Summon Shadow - Shadow gains 5/- resistance vs divine and positive damage, and +2 regen
Vampiric Touch 1d6 Damage per 2 levels 1d7 damage per 2 levels
Wounding Whispers Grants 50% negative damage immunity Increases duration to 2 rounds/level and grants 75% negative damage immunity


Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus
Acid Fog Lowers Fort save by -4 for Hour/level Makes creatures roll against IRON GOLEM FUMES poison
Bestow Curse - Reduces all abilites by 3, not 2
Bless Weapon 1 additional divine damage vs Evil and vs Chaos 1d4 divine damage vs Evil and vs Chaos
Blood Frenzy Increases bonuses to +3 STR, +3 Con, +2 Will Grants +1 Regeneration
Bulls Strength Casts spell using best of 2 rolls Casts spell using best of 3 rolls
Cat's Grace Casts spell using best of 2 rolls Casts spell using best of 3 rolls
Deafening Clang 5 Rounds/level duration Grants +2 AC bonus vs Evil AND vs Chaos
Eagle's Splendor Casts spell using best of 2 rolls Casts spell using best of 3 rolls
Endurance Casts spell using best of 2 rolls Casts spell using best of 3 rolls
Expeditious Retreat 55% Speed Increase 60% Speed increase
Fox's Cunning Casts spell using best of 2 rolls Casts spell using best of 3 rolls
Haste Additional 5% speed increase on self cast Additional 10% speed increase on self-cast
Knock Increases max lock DC Increases max lock DC
Owl's Wisdom Casts spell using best of 2 rolls Casts spell using best of 3 rolls
Polymorph Self 2 Turn/level duration 4 Turn/level duration. Cannot be dispelled
Slow If any target fails save, caster gains Expeditious Retreat for 1 round/2 caster levels If any target fails save, caster gains Haste for 1 round/2 caster levels
Summon Shadow - Grants +1 STR, CON and DEX (Sorceror)