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Revision as of 07:38, 18 April 2024 by Merrychase2 (talk | contribs) (added link and remark about selecting focus for specialists)
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Alignment: Any
HP/Level: 4 + CON
Armor (None), Weapons (Wizard)
Skill Points: 4 + INT
Saves: Fort Low, Will High, Reflex Low
BAB: +1/2
New Characters
Skill Changes
Feat Changes
Death in EFU


Arcane (spell failure from armor is a factor), intelligence-based (a base intelligence score of 10 + the spell's level is required to cast a spell, bonus spells are based on modified intelligence, and the intelligence modifier affects spell DCs), and requires preparation. Wizards begin the game knowing all cantrips and four three + intelligence modifier 1st-level spells.

Cantrips: Cantrips are unlimited on EFU. The slots are automatically refreshed after casting.

Custom Arcane Spells

We have introduced a number of new spells. Here is an exhaustive list of the custom spells which we have implemented for Wizards and Sorcerers.

Custom Specialization and Opposed Schools

EFU has implemented changes to the opposed schools for wizards who choose a school of magic specialization at creation. The schools and their opposed pairs as as follows:

Specialist School Opposed School
Abjuration Evocation
Conjuration Transmutation
Divination Illusion
Enchantment Evocation
Evocation Conjuration
Illusion Divination
Necromancy Divination
Transmutation Conjuration

Otherwise the spell school specialization works as before: wizards gain one additional spell slot per spell level while losing the ability to cast spells from an opposed school. This prohibition extends to spells cast from scrolls, but not to spells cast from other kinds of items. In addition, specialist wizards have a bonus (+2) to identifying spells (through spellcraft) from their area of expertise and a penalty (-5) to identifying spells from the opposing school.

Specialist wizards must also select spell focus in their chosen school prior to selecting focus in other schools. See Guidlines and Rules.

Generalists and Impromptu Arcana

A generalist wizard (a wizard who selects no spell school specialization) is given the Impromptu Arcana ability at creation. This ability allows the wizard to restore a spent spell slot of any level she can cast once per day.

Wizard Spell List

Cantrips 1st Circle 2nd Circle 3rd Circle 4th Circle 5th Circle 6th Circle
Acid Splash Burning Bolt Alarm Clairaudience/clairvoyance Acid Orb Animate dead Acid fog
Disrupt Undead Burning hands Alter Self Clarity Bestow curse Baleful Polymorph Acid Storm
Electric Jolt Charm person Augment Familiar Crushing Despair Blast of Flame Ball lightning Bigby's forceful hand
Light Color spray Balagarn's iron horn Dispel magic Cacophonic Burst Beltyn's Burning Blood Chain lightning
Flare Endure elements Blindness/deafness Displacement Charm monster Bigby's interposing hand Circle of death
Daze Expeditious retreat Blood Transcription Dread Seizure Cold Orb Cloudkill Disintegrate
Ray of Frost Grease - - Confusion Cone of cold Extract Water Elemental
Resistance Horizikaul's boom - Find traps Contagion Devastating Bodyswap Ethereal visage
- Ice dagger Cloud of bewilderment Fireball Electric Orb Dismissal Flesh to stone
- Identify Combust Flame arrow Elemental shield Dominate person Globe of invulnerability
- Ironguts Continual flame Foiled Future Enervation Energy buffer Greater dispelling
- Jump Curse of Impending Blades Greater magic weapon Evard's black tentacles Feeblemind Greater spell breach
- Mage armor Darkness Gust of wind Fear Firebrand Greater stoneskin
- Magic missile Death armor Haste Fire Orb Glass Doppleganger Isaac's greater missile storm
- Magic weapon - Heart Clutch Frost Blast Greater Heroism Legend lore
- Mislead Enhance Ability Heroism Future's Pain Greater shadow conjuration Mass haste
- Negative energy ray Flame weapon Hold person Gas Explosion Herald of Winter Planar binding
- Nybor's Gentle Reminder - Ice Burst Horizikaul's Shout Hold monster Shades
- Protection from alignment Gedlee's electric loop Invisibility sphere Ice storm Hypnotic Pattern Shelgarn's Invincible Blade
- Ray of enfeeblement Ghostly visage Keen edge Illykur's Mantle Iron Skin Stone to flesh
- Regroup Ghoul touch Lightning bolt Improved invisibility Lesser mind blank Summon creature VI
- Rouse Hearthfire Magic circle against alignment Insight Lesser planar binding Tenser's transformation
- Scare Invisibility Mass Curse of Impending Blades Isaac's lesser missile storm Lesser spell mantle True seeing
- Shelgarn's persistent blade Knock Mass Phantasmal Affliction Lesser spell breach Mass Virulent Walking Bomb Undeath to death
- Shield Lesser dispel Mestil's acid breath Lightning Avatar Mestil's acid sheath -
- Sleep Masochism Negative energy burst Lower Spell Resistance Mind fog -
- Summon creature I Melf's acid arrow Phantoms of Deception Mass Foiled Future Summon creature V -
- True strike Phantasmal Affliction Prismatic_Sparks Mass Ultravision Teleport -
- True Dodge Prismatic_Flames Protection from elements Minor globe of invulnerability - -
- - - Scintillating sphere Phantasmal killer - -
- - Resist elements Shelgarn's Mass Blades Polymorph self - -
- - Scorching Ray Shelgarn's Permanent Blade Remove blindness/deafness - -
- - See invisibility Slow Remove curse - -
- - Stone bones Slumber Scrying - -
- - Summon creature II Stinking cloud Shadow conjuration - -
- - Tasha's hideous laughter Summon creature III Shelgarn's Superior Blade - -
- - Ultravision Summon Swarm Stoneskin - -
- - Web Vampiric touch Spiderskin - -
- - Whispering Wind Virulent Walking Bomb Summon creature IV - -
- - Energy Blast - Wall of fire - -
- - - - Wall of Ice - -


Familiars in EFU have been changed to creatures that more accurately reflect the setting. You can view the full list here.