Divine Champion

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Divine Champion

Hit Points: d10 + Con. mod/ level Proficiencies: Weapons(Simple and Martial), Armor(Light and Medium), Shields Skill Points: 2 + Int. mod/ level Attacks: +1/ level Alignment: Dependent on deity

Requirements: Weapon focus in the deity's chosen weapon (or a suitable equivalent approved by the DMs).

General Divine champion is a prestige class in Faerun whose members are the holy warriors of various churches, dedicated to the protection of the holy sites, priests and pilgrims, as well as the leaders of the crusades. Most of them have a military background. Every single church can have divine champions and the battles between champions of opposing faiths are legendary.

Earning in Game:

-In order to earn this prestige class, the following is helpful:
-Accomplishing some or multiple things on behalf of your deity.
-Having a reputation for being a major supporter of your faith.
-Having the support/sanction of your Church/institutional faith.
-These are guidelines, not rules. Creativity is always best.