Server Rules

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General Principles

The mission of the EFU persistent world is to maintain a thriving, welcoming, and supportive online role-playing community. We believe in the importance of creative self-expression and think that our role-playing and story-based world can provide value for those who choose to play here. Demonstrating tolerance and out of character respect for all players is mandatory for all who join our community. Discriminatory or bigoted statements, personal attacks, or any manifestation of trolling will not be permitted. Basic standards of decency and civil conduct are expected from all community members.


EFU maintains a very high standard and level of roleplaying for all players. While those players who are new to roleplaying can expect a patient and welcoming community, it is important to understand that our standard is set very high. All players are expected to fully engage with the roleplaying and story-telling expectations of our world. It is essential to be able to separate the out of character (“OOC”) from the in-character (“IC”)


We believe that meaningful conflict is a necessary condition for interesting stories. In EFU, characters are expected to sometimes engage in conflict with other characters. While this does not exclusively mean PvP combat, this does mean that sometimes characters will permanently kill other characters.

Players should be familiar with our rules & principles regarding character conflict and play with good sportsmanship, whether winning or losing. When death happens, as it will, it is important to draw a line between in-character (“IC”) and OOC events. While the end of a character's story can be an emotional experience, it is important to remember that there are real, breathing people behind GSIDs and discord handles: OOC hostility relating to IC events is not allowed.


Players are expected to be honest (OOC) with each other and with members of the DM team. Cheating and metagaming is not permitted and will result in being banned from our community.

The Fine Print

Understanding and accepting the above general principles are all that is required of new players, but after 15+ years we have found it best to also maintain a complete set of rules that addresses various specific cases and situations. We ask that long-time members of our community eventually become familiar with the following...


These rules are intended to provide a non-exhaustive list of required or prohibited behaviors. It is possible to violate the general principles expressed above without violating a specific rule articulated below. The word of in-game DMs is binding on player behavior at all times.

DMs will punish rule breaking in the place, time, and manner of their choosing. All punishments for rule breaking are at the discretion of the DM team. Punishments may include mechanical consequences, such as the loss of experience, loss of permanent experience, loss of prestige, or loss of items. Punishments may also include the retirement of PCs, temporary bans, or permanent bans. Appeals may be made through contacting the DM team via Discord or our Application forum.

Game Exploits

Barter Abuse

Item transferring between different PCs belonging to the same player, or helping another player do the same, is strictly forbidden. There are no exceptions to this rule, including remaking a character, unless a DM assists you in an approved character remake.

AI Abuse

Exploiting monster AI in unrealistic ways is forbidden. Avoid situations where monsters behave in a completely implausible manner. Specific prohibitions include, but are not limited to:
i. "Luring", the practice of drawing a single monster away from others with a ranged weapon or dragging groups of monsters from a fortified position to march at your party single file;
ii. “Trapping” monsters on cliffs or other impassable areas and then killing them with ranged weapons; and,
iii. "Backpedaling" to hiccup a NPC's ability to attacking you.

Logout Abuse

Logging off to avoid imminent death is forbidden. This includes both PvP and non-PvP death. This includes logging off while bleeding. If you feel you are being griefed, please contact a DM.

Sidestep Abuse

Sidestepping to avoid encumbrance (or other movement penalties) is forbidden.

Unsummon Abuse

Unsummoning wounded arcane familiars (and similar companions) to avoid XP loss is forbidden.


Concurrently playing as multiple separate characters.

OOC Tools

Abuse OOC tools to gain unfair or unrealistic advantages. Specific prohibitions include, but are not limited to:
i. The use of "/c recall" is intended to assist with controlling summons; it is not acceptable to use it as a free teleport or regroup spell; and,
ii. The practice of sneaking ahead invisibly or in stealth and to then use "/c recall" to teleport your summons on top of monsters or enemy PCs.
iii. Manipulating like/dislike setting to avoid attacks of opportunity, spell effects, and other consequences of hostility.

Other Exploits

If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If you discover a method to earn GP or XP that seems out of line with other methods or can be used in some non-balanced way, please check with a DM to ensure it's legitimate or bug report the issue.

Out of Character Behavior


All players must be respectful to one another in OOC communications. Insulting tells are forbidden. OOC and IC are two separate spheres of existence: OOC disrespect is completely unacceptable, IC disrespect and conflict is fully encouraged. Players should not confuse the two.


"Power-gaming" is not allowed. For the purposes of our server, we define power-gaming as any activity that has no IC rationale and is done for OOC reasons. It is okay -- and even encouraged -- to have a character that wants to get rich or powerful, and accomplishes this through various IC means. In contrast, it is not acceptable to perform an act such as repeatedly "farming" a single spawn of monsters or other such activities.


Meta-gaming is not allowed. This means that you can not take advantage of the knowledge that you as a player might have but your character does not. Always think about what sort of knowledge is IC (in character) as opposed to OOC (out of character).

Metagaming in PvP

Players may never use tells or other methods of OOC communication to coordinate PvP or other tactics.

Metagaming in PvE

Repeatable scripted quests should be considered a new experience when repeated. While every effort has been made to randomize and produce very large amounts of varied content, EFU still has many static quests that should be approached as a new experience. Your character does not remember the location of traps, spawns, dangerous rooms, etc.

Neutral NPCs

Players may not attack named blue NPCs unless they have received permission from a DM. This specifically does not include (for example) wandering animals with no specific name.

Roleplaying and In-Character Behavior

Suspension of Disbelief

Always stay in-character. Do not break immersion for other players. Inserting real-life references into your RP, including abbreviations or smileys into IC talk, acting in a ridiculous or OOC manner is not acceptable.

Impending PvP

The like/dislike toggle is entirely OOC. Do not construe a character that appears red as hostile unless there are IC justifications to consider them a threat.

Ability Scores

Players must roleplay their character’s stats and skills, especially if a stat is below 10. Having a character with low charisma "smell bad" or be "ugly" but otherwise be a well-liked leader is discouraged.

Class Expectations

Players must roleplay their class according to the guidelines detailed in the guidelines pages for each class. This is particularly important for Clerics, Druids, and Paladins.

Content Expectations

Players must roleplay within a basic level of decorum and refrain from creating egregious content. They must understand that:
i. Any depiction or insinuation of sexual violence is strictly prohibited.
ii. Graphic depictions of torture are prohibited. Where extreme violence does occur, players must avoid detailed descriptions of harms inflicted.
iii. Explicit sexual acts are prohibited. Although characters may make references to the existence of sexuality, relationship roleplay is frowned upon unless handled with an extreme level of care.
iv. All characters in EFU are adults. Playing children is not permitted. This means that characters must be above the age of eighteen, or the age of majority for their race if it is more than eighteen, regardless of their race or background.


There is a single universal language that everyone can speak. Using racial languages is optional, but overuse is discouraged as disruptive. Written languages are handled by scripted lore checks or through a DM.

Public Broadcasts

Players should be careful in their use of the sending and town crier systems. This includes the following prohibitions:
i. Sendings should not be vulgar, pseudo-OOC, or in a trolling style;
ii. Sendings should not be made in a tone of anti-establishment unless done with DM supervision; and,
iii. Town crier and messenger NPCs should not be given messages that "roleplay" the NPC or would be reasonably considered as implausible (they will not relay inane or particularly controversial messages).

Faction Trespassing

Players may not break into faction areas without the supervision of a DM. Taking items from faction storage when you are not a member of the faction should be done with the supervision of a DM.

Faction Items

If a player finds faction equipment, including keys, they should contact a DM if your character decides to keep it or use it.


Players must observe good IC and OOC conduct around quests. This includes the following rules:
i. Roleplaying during quests and when organizing quests is required;
ii. OOC methods should not be used to organize and strategize during quests;
iii. Do not split up a large group into smaller groups in order for each to tackle a particular quest with the aim of getting more of a reward;
a. It is acceptable to split a group where an OOC limit on the number of participating characters prevents the whole group from attempting it at once,
iv. Do not use stealth or invisibility to obtain quest rewards without engaging the monsters unless doing so is clearly indicated as permissible by the quest itself;
v. Do not steal loot from other members of the party without emoting or otherwise indicating by some IC means that you are doing so;
vi. Do not enter into a Quest Area with a group unless all members of the group are aware and give consent that you are mechanically added to the quest with them.
a. The only exception to this rule is if you have contacted a DM and the DM has allowed you to enter the Quest Area.


Using stealth or invisibility to gather the treasure of random explorable areas without defeating the monsters is prohibited. If your character(s) engage(s) the monsters, fail and are unable to defeat the foe, feel free to consult with a DM if it would be appropriate to attempt to use stealth and trickery to plunder the area.

Spoilers, OOC

Do not share IC secrets through OOC methods.

Spoilers, IC

Do not share IC secrets lightly through IC methods. Although it is fine and encouraged to roleplay as a teacher instructor and share information, some secrets are best kept quiet in order to allow for other players the same enjoyment of solving mysteries.

Spoilers, Crafting

Information about in-game crafting recipes may not be shared through OOC methods.
i. If you learn something about in-game crafting with one character, you can not use it with another unless likewise learned through IC methods.
ii. Most recipes should not be shared lightly but rather roleplayed as being a treasured secret to be gifted perhaps only to the most trusted allies.


Players should respect the RP involved in hostage situations and not immediately default to attacking hostage-keepers without due consideration of other alternatives. Note that:
i. A subdued hostage may be healed as part of a rescue operation; however,
ii. The hostage must remain down and helpless and not activate any defensive damage modes (i.e. no switching on expertise or equipping shield).

Blood Vials

Blood Vial labels are OOC. Limited exceptions exist:
i. If the PC who made the vial would have labelled them (check this first through tells if necessary);
ii. Characters will recognize a sample of their own blood; and,
iii. Characters with high-Heal or affinity with blood-magic also potentially recognize blood vials if they come from special kinds of creatures (consult a DM if in doubt).

Animal Companions

Strange or unusual animal companions should not be brought into civilized areas without the permission of a DM.

Invisible Characters

Players should respect the RP involved in the invisibility effect. Mistakes happen, but it should be generally recognized that:
i. Characters who are invisible can only be heard, not seen;
ii. Invisibility is indicated by a transparent model with a white outline, disappearing when out of listening range, etc;
iii. The effect of See Invisibility or of True Seeing is required to visually recognize such characters; otherwise,
iv. Please be conscious that, although it is obvious someone is there, it is difficult to identify them or details about them.

Character Creation and Levelling Rules


Characters must have appropriate names and appearance for their race and subrace. This includes, but is not limited to, the following restrictions:
i. Humans may not have the horned head appearance;
ii. Standard elves may not have drow skin coloring;
iii. Character names must make sense for the setting;
iv. Character names must not be directly copied from a well known fictional or real-life person;
v. Including titles or honorifics in the character name requires DM permission.

Divine Classes

Paladins, Druids, and Clerics must be created according to specific guidelines detailed in the guidelines pages for each class.

Wizard School Specialization, Spell Focus, and Greater Spell Focus

Wizards who choose a school specialization should not take a Spell Focus or a Greater Spell Focus in a school outside of their specialization without first taking a Spell Focus or Greater Spell Focus respectively in the wizard's chosen specialization. For example, a Wizard who chooses Illusion School specialization would first need to take the feat Spell Focus: Illusion, before taking Spell Focus: Transmutation. They would need to take Greater Spell Focus: Illusion before taking Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation.


Optimizing characters to an extreme extent is highly discouraged; stats should generally be selected according to the concept. It is important for players to fairly and ably portray their character’s strengths and weaknesses, whatever they may be.

Point Banking

Skill point banking is forbidden. Skill point banking is the practice of saving skill points in order to put them into a class skill at a later level. There are limited exceptions:
i. When multiclassing roughly evenly, players may save their skill points every-other level as needed in order to keep a primary skill maxed; and,
ii. Other situations of modest skill banking may be permissible depending upon the build, but egregious examples of (for example) taking a single rogue level at a high level in order to maximize tumble/UMD are not permitted.

Deliberate Deaths

i. Low level content can be particularly rewarding to help characters get started or recover from bad luck. Deliberately dying simply to farm low level content is not acceptable.
ii. Taking levels in one class in order to gain access to perks or other bonuses and then deliberately dying to re-level in a different class while preserving the benefits of the first class is not acceptable.

Long Absences

Application-based, subrace, faction, prominent/semi-prominent or high-level PCs who are not played for over a month should not return to active play unless permission is given from a DM or through application. We are eager to welcome back players to EFU but it can be highly disruptive for characters that have long been missing to make a return.


Creating "alts" (alternative characters) is discouraged but not strictly forbidden, as playing alts can lead to incidents of unintentional metagaming, unfairness, and perhaps most importantly degrades the playing experience. Alts may not:
i. Be involved in one another’s affairs;
ii. Be involved in factions that are in conflict;
iii. Be involved in separate ringrunning groups; and,
iv. Communicate with one another in any way.

Alts, Continued

Do not play “alternate” characters if you are roleplaying a high-conflict character that has regularly engaged in PvP.

PvP Combat Rules

EFU is a full-player-versus-player (“PvP”), conflict-oriented setting. If you perform PvP, you must be prepared to face the IC consequences of the IC action. OOC issues or concerns are always handled by the DMs in an OOC manner. Players are advised to read the 'PvP Karma' forum thread when deliberating over whether or not to use Full Damage mode. Characters may not respawn from PvP.

PvP Karma is an important facet of EFU. When engaging in PvP, consider: whether your approach is reasonable; whether it is best to subdue, subdue and loot, or to kill; whether the PvP is fun and stylish; and, whether your attitude as a player is respectful and sporting.

New Characters

Do not initiate PvP against level 2 or level 3 characters except in extreme circumstances.

Reasonable Cause

PvP must always be initiated for IC and justifiable reasons. Insanity or a desire for random death may be considered as an excuse for griefing by the DM team.

PvP Settings

You must always set your opponent to Dislike (hostile) before PvP. The dislike/like toggle is fully OOC. Seeing someone set you to Dislike should not be considered an IC act. Many players set the whole server to Dislike in preparation for PvP that may well have nothing to do with you, so you should not read too much into it if it happens. Be warned that if someone sets you to hostile, and you then relog, they will still see you as hostile/red whereas you will see them as non-hostile/blue. This is not their fault.

DM Notification

When beginning PvP, send a message via /dm indicating that PvP may begin in your area, or use the "/c pvp" command to send an automatic message declaring that.


Do not initiate PvP in an area with NPCs present without a DM present. You must obtain direct confirmation from a DM that they are overseeing before initiating PvP in these circumstances. Specific, narrow exceptions to this rule are indicated on signs and NPC descriptions.

NPCs, Continued

If a DM is not present, PvP begins in an area without NPCs present, and PvP transitions into an area with NPCs present, the PvP must stop. Specific, narrow exceptions to this rule are indicated on signs and NPC descriptions.


If your character is attacked, or if someone else is engaging in PvP, you may always respond IC with no confirmation from a DM.


If you engage in PvP, remain in the server for a substantial period of time to give others an opportunity to respond to your actions.


Traps must be used carefully in PvP. All players using them must review our trap policy on the forums. The following additional rules apply:
i. Traps should be used in moderation;
ii. Traps should not be used at transition points;
iii. Traps should not close all conceivable avenues of escape with high powered traps;
iv. Traps should never be stacked;
v. Traps are limited to one stunning/disabling trap and one damage-dealing trap being out at a time.
a. Exceptions may be made, consult with a DM about your specific plan. If you believe you are the victim of bad-trap policy, please do not attempt to pause the PvP via OOC means, but rather consult with a DM during or after.


Characters recently engaged in PvP may not rest without the permission of a DM.


Characters should minimize the use of transitions during PvP unless they are running away. Running away is always permitted. While it may be necessary in some exceptional circumstances, excessive “transition hopping” (repeatedly going back and forth) is highly discouraged and may constitute abuse.

Transitions, Continued

Although it is fine to lay in ambush near a transition, it is not acceptable to attack people directly as before they have fully entered the area; you should wait until they have clearly loaded and are active.

Damage Modes

Players must observe nuances to damage modes in PvP:
i. If a character is attacking in Full Damage mode, and a target is sent into negative HPs immediately, that target is not Subdued - they can be healed, continue fighting, flee, etc.
ii. If a character is attacking in Subdual mode, a Subdued opponent is completely helpless, must remain on the ground, must cooperate with dropping_pack/giving over items/removing armour if ordered to do so, and may not re-engage or flee unless the PvP is finished and the victory has departed, gives verbal permission, or a DM gives permission.
iii. Using Blackout mode on a Subdued PC to steal or rescue a PC under the control of another character is forbidden unless you have specific DM permission to utilize this technique.
iv. If a character is attacking in Sparring damage mode, a Winded opponent is not completely helpless, but should roleplay the effects of having lost the bout of combat.


Goblins, kobolds, and other "monstrous" subrace PCs can legitimately be killed by other characters just for being what they are. However, as always, if the PvP occurs in an area with NPCs there should be a DM supervising.


If you are roleplaying a dangerous monster or highly villainous character, you are expected to adhere to a higher standard of play than those you oppose. This means for example that, as a wanted criminal, you may be formally executed or otherwise fairly killed if caught, but that according to best practices you should not immediately slay everyone who goes after you, even if there is a high likelihood that those you spare will come after you again. If you are uncomfortable with this or with other aspects of playing a big villain, don't play one.


Choosing to kill another character is a drastic action that should be undertaken with great care and a high degree of consideration. We ask that players aspire, whenever possible, to do so only after significant history and as the evolution of major conflict. Killing a player character should be viewed as the extremely grave, serious, and irreversible decision that it is.


Characters should treat the act of hiring assassins, placing bounties, or otherwise arranging for the deaths of other characters, with same degree of consideration that they would give the act of personally murdering that victim. Assassins are not required to have a relationship with their target (they are only expected to obtain an appropriately high, upfront payment, or down payment, and an unambiguous contract to kill). The burden of responsibility is squarely upon the purchaser; ordering an assassination must be understood as the severe decision that it is.

Faction Doors

Characters may not utilize faction HQs or plot-locked (non-bashable/pickable) doors for the purposes of PvP unless they have permission from a DM. This includes law-enforcement PCs bringing a character into their faction for "questioning" with an intention to make a more significant arrest.

Quest Baiting

The practice of using the promise of a specific scripted quest as a method for luring a potential target for muggings, banditry, or assassinations requires DM supervision. Players are encouraged to pursue alternate and creative schemes to go after an enemy; but similarly players are advised that they should not consider quests as any kind of OOC shield from consequences or enemies.

Quest Camping

Ambushing a party returning from a quest by attacking them immediately outside of the quest area is prohibited without permission from a DM.

Combat Looting

Looting packs during an active PvP encounter is prohibited without permission from a DM. Likewise, do not loot packs during a DM event without permission from the overseeing DM. Discussing your intentions with an overseeing DM beforehand is encouraged.

Unearned Looting

Looting the packs of characters that you did not have an active hand in defeating is prohibited without permission of a DM. Discussing your intentions with an overseeing DM beforehand is encouraged.


Characters must be judicious in their use of stealth in PvP encounters. Note that:
i. "Corner-sneaking," the exploitation of momentarily breaking line of sight to re-enter stealth, is permitted only once as a method to escape from a PvP situation and may not be tactically reused during a combat encounter;
ii. Other methods can be used to re-enter stealth mid-combat. These include invisibility, darkness, dust of disappearance, and similar effects;
iii. Players should avoid applying stealth after transitioning if being closely followed during a PvP situation;
iv. Due to a NWN bug, stealthed characters may briefly appear upon entering a new area, this is not IC knowledge; and,
v. Characters may not use stealth to trespass into, spy on, or steal from private faction areas without the presence of a DM.

Indirect PvP

Certain nonviolent actions qualify as initiating PvP and require the presence of a DM to use in populated areas, including:
i. Using the rogue’s Cut Purse tool in an attempt to pickpocket another PC;
ii. Throwing rotten fruit or otherwise engaging in extreme provocations.
iii. Before engaging in such actions, you should set your status to be hostile toward anyone you reasonably expect to offend.

Server Conduct and Discord Rules

Ban Evasion

Banned players may not circumvent their bans; they may apply to return on the forums or contact a member of the staff to discuss their request to return.

Evasion Reporting

Players must inform the DM team of banned players that are playing under alternate identities.


Do not attempt to identify the identity of a player that is playing under an unknown GSID or Discord handle.


Do not publicly speculate as to who may be playing a specific character or reveal who is playing a specific character.

Remember, players - Don't get too salty! Saltfighter.png