Turn Undead
Change Overview
EFU has an entirely custom Turn Undead system based on the primary domain of a Cleric. When a PC initiates the use of Turn Undead, one effect out of three possible ones based on the primary domain of the Cleric will randomly take place.
Multiclassed characters have a chance of failure when attempting a Turn Undead if they have more non-divine class levels than divine class levels. Upon failure, the incantation of Turn Undead will simply do nothing and the charge will be depleted. Druids do not have the Turn Undead as a class feature and, although arguably a divine class, do not count as divine for the purpose of Turn Undead.
The chance of success is equal to the character's divine levels divided by non-divine levels, rounded up to the nearest percentage, up to a natural maximum of 100%. Examples of such include:
2 Cleric, 4 Druid = 50% 3 Cleric, 4 Fighter = 3/4 = 75% 1 Cleric, 8 Rogue = 1/8 = 12.5% rounded to 13% 4 Cleric, 4 Wizard = 4/4 = 100% 2 Cleric, 1 Fighter = 2/1 = 100% 3 Cleric, 2 Paladin, 3 Fighter = (3+2)/3 = 5/3 = 100% 2 Cleric, 1 Paladin, 4 Fighter = (2+1)/4 = 3/4 = 75%
The new Turn Undead effects do not include and ignore the regular Turn Undead effect entirely, unless otherwise specified, regardless of whatever bonuses the Cleric's domain listed in unmodified Neverwinter Nights (for example, Turning Undead, Destruction Domain turning Constructs, Air Domain turning elementals, etc).
If a characters has at least four levels in the Cleric class and at least 14 Charisma, they are able to directly select their Turn Undead instead of invoking a random effect.
Any Paladin without Cleric levels will always use the Turn Undead of default Neverwinter Nights.
Primary Domains
At this time, there are no deities that support the Dwarf, Gnome, Elf, or Ooze domains.
Air Domain
Tailwind: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +25% movement speed for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Flurry: Nearby allies and enemies in a huge radius roll a fortitude save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA or are knocked over for 1d4 rounds.
Enveloping Gale: Nearby allies in a colossal radius have +1 dodge AC for 3 + 1*CHA turns.
Chaos Domain
Empower Chaos: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius with a chaotic alignment receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Influx of Turmoil: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius receive +2 to a random ability score or -2 to a random ability score for 5 + 3*CHA turn.
Anarchy's Arrival: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius roll a mind-affecting save VS DC 10 + 2/CHA or are confused for 1d4 rounds. Nearby creatures in a colossal radius with a lawful alignment receive a -3 penalty to the saving throw.
Creation Domain
Wild Bloom: When in exterior area during day time, nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +1 regeneration every round for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Overgrowth: Nearby allies in a colossal radius are given Immunity: Entangle for 5 + 3*CHA rounds, then the spell Entangle is cast at the cleric’s location.
Treeform: Nearby allies in a huge radius receive a +2 natural AC bonus, +10% immunity to bludgeoning and piercing damage, but also receive -10% movement speed and +10% vulnerability to slashing and fire for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Death Domain
Onset of Decay: Nearby enemies in a huge radius receive 1d8 + 2*CHA negative energy damage. Nearby allies and enemies who are undead are healed for this amount.
Lesser Death Ward: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +6 to Death saving throws for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Decrepitude: Nearby non-undead enemies in a colossal radius roll a negative energy Will save VS DC 10 + 2 * CHA. On a failed save they receive -4 saving throws to Cold, Death, Disease, Negative Energy, and Poison for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Dwarf Domain
Empower Dwarves: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius who are dwarves receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Tactical Maneuver: Nearby allies in a colossal radius who are dwarves receive +2 dodge AC VS goblinoids, orcs, and dwarves, +1d4 bludgeoning damage VS dwarves and orcs, and +1 non-magical AB VS dwarves and orcs. Nearby allies who are not dwarves receive +1 dodge AC VS goblinoids, orcs, and dwarves, and +1 non-magical AB VS dwarves and orcs. This lasts for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Stout Guzzler: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +2 CON and +4 saving throws VS poison for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Earth Domain
Lesser Stoneskin: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive 10/+1 damage reduction and a 10% movement speed penalty for 5 + 3*CHA rounds, up to a maximum of 20 damage.
Call Boulder: A boulder emerges from the ground in front of the user. This boulder can be lifted and thrown like typical thrown boulders. For 3 + 1*CHA rounds, the user automatically succeeds checks to lift and throw boulders.
Toughness of the Crag: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive 10% physical damage immunity and a 20% movement speed penalty for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Elf Domain
Empower Elves: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius who are non-drow elves or half-elves receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Elven Aim: Nearby allies in a colossal radius have their ranged weapons receive +1 non-magical AB, ranged ammunition receives +1 magical damage and +1 piercing damage for 5 + 3*CHA turn.
Eyes of the Forest: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +1d(Level) Listen and +1d(Level) Spot for 3 + 1*CHA turns.
Evil Domain
Empower Evil: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius with an evil alignment receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Rend the Righteous: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +1d4 negative energy damage VS good for 3 + 1*CHA turns.
Drain Life: Does 1d(CHA) negative energy damage to nearby living allies and enemies in a huge radius. Heals the user equal to the total damage done up to a maximum of 1d(Level*CHA).
Fire Domain
Wildfire: Nearby enemies in a colossal radius are lit aflame for 1dCHA fire damage a round for three rounds. On the third round, they make a reflex save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA. Upon failure, they and all nearby enemies in a huge radius to them around them take an additional 1dCHA fire damage.
The Cleansing Flame: Any nearby allies in a colossal radius afflicted by poison, disease, or a negative effect removable by Lesser Restoration has the spell Combust cast upon them equal to a level three caster. If the spell is successfully cast, poison, disease, and any such negative effects are removed.
Playing With Fire: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive 20% fire damage immunity and a flame shield of 1dCHA for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Frost Domain
Winter’s Triumph: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive a cold shield of 1dCHA for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Protection of Ice: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive 20% cold damage immunity and 5/+1 damage reduction for 5 + 3*CHA rounds, up to a maximum of 20 damage.
Glacial Burst: All creatures in a huge radius take 1dCHA cold damage, then roll a fortitude save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA or are entangled in ice for 1d4 rounds.
Gnome Domain
Empower Gnomes: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius who are gnomes receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Slaughter the Vile: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +2 dodge AC VS reptilians, +1 dodge AC VS giants and goblinoids, +1 non-magical AB VS giants, goblinoids, and reptilians, +1d4 divine damage VS reptilians, and +1 divine damage VS giants and goblinoids for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Mastery of Illusions: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive 15% concealment for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Good Domain
Empower Good: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius with a good alignment receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Turn the Unholy: Nearby enemies in a colossal radius who are evil outsiders or undead take 1*CHAd4 divine damage. Additionally, they make a will save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA or are feared for 1d4 rounds.
Call to the Righteous: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius have a chance to receive the effects of the spell Aid cast upon for 5 + 3*CHA rounds according to the following table:
Alignment | Collapse% Chance |
Good | 100 |
Neutral | 50 |
Evil | 0 |
Halfling Domain
Empower Halflings: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius who are halflings receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Champion the Smallfolk: The user receives +1 dodge AC for every nearby ally in a huge radius who is a dwarf, gnome, or halfling, up to a maximum of +4 or +1d(Level), whichever is lower, for 5 + 3*CHA rounds. For every +2 dodge AC, receive +1 universal saves for the duration. For every +4 dodge AC, receive +1 non-magical AB for the duration.
Guile of the Hin: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +2 saves VS fear and +1d(Level) Tumble for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Law Domain
Empower Law: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius with a lawful alignment receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Eschew Discord: Nearby non-chaotic allies in a colossal radius have a 80% chance to receive the effects of the spell Clarity for 5 + 3*CHA rounds. Nearby non-lawful enemies in a colossal radius have a 80% to take 1dCHA divine damage. All targets will show the VFX regardless of alignment and roll.
Punish the Guilty: Nearby enemies in a colossal radius have their will and reflex saves reduced by 1d4 for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Magic Domain
Defense of the Arcane: Nearby allies in a colossal radius who are bards, characters with the feat Courteous Magocracy, clerics with the Magic and/or Spells domain, sorcerers, or wizards, have a 50% chance to receive each of the following spells: Endure Elements, Ghostly Visage, and Mage Armor.
Practice of the Art: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +1d(Level) Spellcraft for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Droplets of the Weave: Create a “Droplet of the Weave” in the user’s inventory. This is a miscellaneous small item which is only usable by bards, clerics, sorcerers, and wizards, infused a single use of one of any spell learned by bards, sorcerers, or wizards, up to the third circle, chosen at random. Characters can carry of a maximum of one. Excess disappear, as do all on server reset.
Ooze Domain
Glimpse of Purity: The user gains Immunity: Disease, Immunity: Poison, and Immunity: Negative Energy for 3 + 1*CHA rounds. Also leaves a slimy glowing green spot on the ground.
Trail of Muck: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +50% immunity to acid damage and +1d4 acid damage to their weapons for 5 + 3*CHA rounds. Also leaves a slimy glowing green spot on the ground.
Become Like Ooze: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +15% immunity to piercing and slashing damage for 5 + 3*CHA rounds. Also leaves a slimy glowing green spot on the ground.
Orc Domain
Empower Orcs: Nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius who are half-orcs or orcs receive +1 non-magical AB, +1 divine damage, +1 dodge AC, and +1 universal saves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Wrath of the Orcblood: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +2 dodge AC VS dwarves, elves, and half-elves, and +1d4 bludgeoning damage VS dwarves, elves, and half-elves for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Reckless Crush: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive Blood Frenzy for 5 + 3*CHA rounds.
Stars Domain
Comets of Starblight: The spell Starblight is cast at all nearby enemies, using the Cleric's Astronomy skill.
Divine Starchart: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive Divine Level / 2 bonus to Astronomy for 3 + 1*CHA turns.
Divine Starlight: When in exterior area during night time, nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +1 regeneration every 2 rounds for 3 + 1*CHA turns.
Storm Domain
Storm Avatar: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +1 electrical damage for 5 + 3*CHA rounds. For every 4 affected allies, the spell Lightning Bolt is cast at the nearest enemies in the radius.
Eye of the Storm: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +25% immunity to electrical damage for 3 + 1*CHA turns. Then, provided the user is in an outdoor area, nearby allies and enemies in a colossal radius have a 50% chance of being struck by a lightning bolt which causes (Divine Level)d4 electrical damage with a reflex save of DC 15 + 2*CHA for half damage.
Thunder Storm: All creatures in a huge radius take (Divine Level / 2)d6 electrical damage.
Sun Domain
Scour the Unholy: Nearby enemies in a colossal radius take 2d(Level) divine damage if they are undead and 2d4 divine damage otherwise.
Blinding Light: Nearby creatures in a colossal radius make a Fortitude save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA or are blinded for 2d(level/2) rounds.
Shard of Sunlight: Create a "Shard of Sunlight" in the user’s inventory. This is a miscellaneous small item. It has a single use of either Cure Serious Wounds, Healing Circle, or Searing Light. Characters can carry of a maximum of one; excess shards will dissolve. Shards are temporary and will disappear on server reset.
Water Domain
Lesser Drown: The nearest single enemy in a colossal radius rolls a fortitude save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA or takes magical damage equal to 20% of their maximum health points.
Blessings of the Waves: Nearby allies in a colossal radius have their swim speed unaffected by armor for 3 + 1*CHA turns.
Glacial Blast: Nearby enemies in a colossal radius take 1dCHA cold damage, then roll a reflex save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA or are slowed by 20% for 3 + 1*CHA rounds.