Barbarian Perks

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Mountain Man

Level 1

  • Can rest in the wilderness without needing a campfire.
  • While in a Canyon area, barbarian gets +2 cold damage, +5% bonus movement speed, and automatic success on climbing checks.

Level 5

  • +3 Survival
  • +2 saves vs Cold

Level 8

  • 5/- Cold resist

Gutter Guerilla

Level 1

  • +2 vs Poison/Disease
  • While in a Gutters area, barbarian gets +2 acid damage, +4 saves vs. Disease/Poison and +5% bonus movement speed.

Level 5

  • +5 Search
  • +2 saves vs Acid

Level 8

  • Acid 5/- resist


Level 1

  • +3 Intimidate
  • Thug as a bonus feat

Level 5

  • +5% Piercing Immunity

Level 8

  • +1d6 Sneak Attack


Evil only

Level 1

  • +2 saves vs Death
  • When raging, the Blightwalker applies their rage bonuses to STR and CON to nearby friendly undead.

Level 5

  • 5/- Negative Energy Resistance
  • +100 Summoning Points
  • Animate Dead 2/day

Level 8

  • +100 Summoning Points
  • Spell Focus: Necromancy as a bonus feat


Level 1

  • Cleave as a bonus feat.

Level 5

  • When raging, gain +5% Physical Damage Immunity.

Level 8

  • While raging ONCE per rest, if HP is brought below 1 the barbarian is healed instead with cure critical wounds


Level 1

  • 1d4 Damage Shield, Piercing
  • While raging, lose an additional -2 AC and gain no bonus to Strength.
  • While raging, become immune to Critical Hits.
  • While raging, gain 1d4 Damage Shield, Slashing
  • +1 rage per day

Level 5

  • While raging, Damage Shield is increased by 1d4 for each step of the barbarian's base Charisma. (14 CHA shields with 3d4 Slashing Damage, 16 CHA shields with 4d4 Slashing Damage, etc)

Level 8

  • Chaos Shield (Level 2) on self.


Level 1

  • +5 Concentration

Level 5

  • +5% Physical Damage Immunity applied as a temporary bonus to shield
  • Shield cannot be traded while modified

Level 8

  • Toughness as a bonus feat


Level 1

  • +3 Search
  • +3 Listen
  • No longer need food to rest in wilderness.
  • While raging, receive no bonus to Strength
  • While raging, receive a bonus to Dexterity instead

Level 5

  • +5% Movement speed

Level 8

  • Explorable zones can be opened without a companion

Steppes Archer

Level 1

  • Point Blank Shot as a bonus feat.
  • +3 Ride
  • No bonus to Constitution while raging.
  • Strength bonus from raging is applied to equipped bow as a temporary "Mighty" property.
  • +1 rage per day

Level 5

  • +3 Spot
  • +3 Listen
  • 1/day Bundle of Arrows
  • Access to Tracking, as though a Ranger

Level 8

  • +2 Dexterity

Medicine Man

Level 1

  • +3 Discipline
  • +3 Heal
  • Instead of Charisma, Intelligence is used to calculate scaling rage bonus.
  • Rage is disabled. Instead, there is a 30% chance that rage will be triggered automatically when suffering a critical hit.
  • There is no limit to the number of times rage can be triggered.

Level 5

  • +3 Lore
  • +5 Herbalism

Level 8

  • When using medicinal herbs, the regeneration ticks at 2 HP per round, up from 1 HP.