Desiree Alliance is a coalition of current and former sex workers working together with supporting networks for an improved understanding of sexual policies and its human, social and political impacts of criminalization’s surrounding sex work. Our priorities are building local, regional, and national leadership to constructively advocate sex workers’ human, health, labor, and civil rights. It is with great sadness and much consideration that Desiree Alliance announces the cancellation of our July 2019 conference Transcending Borders: Immigration, Migration, and Sex Due to FOSTA/SESTA enactments, our leadership made the decision that we cannot put our attendees and our organization at We hope you understand our grave concerns as we continue to resist every law that exists to harm sex workers!
During the month of March, Slixa held their 1st March Matchness fundraiser for deserving organizations that campaign for sex worker rights. Desiree Alliance, along with the Black Sex Workers Collective, were chosen as recipients. Thank you Slixa for recognizing our work! On June 22-23, 2018, Desiree Alliance hosted a national summit with sex workers across the US to create a national rights and principles document. The National Sex Worker Anti-Criminalization Principles outline a working template for the movement, advocating for people impacted by labor issues, social stigma, and criminalization. The movement condemns any attempts at restricting sex worker autonomy and self-determination.
We encourage all sw organizations and individuals to use this document in every aspect of self-determinations in our movement. We offer up these principles to our movement as a working template for a national platform. General statement - We advocate for people impacted by labor issues, social stigma, and criminalization, and we condemn any attempts at restricting our autonomy and self-determination. Recommendations for all people - Support us in our struggle for justice and human rights and against those who would deny us access to the same services or rights because of our work. Respect us as the experts in our lives without assuming we are flawed in some We do not want punitive intervention.
We insist on sex worker leadership at every level of decision making on policies around sex work. We reserve to ourselves the rights to maintain our own health. We demand the right to speak, access all public channels of communication, to choose those who speak for us, and to be recognized by the media, public officials and others as the authorities on our own experience. To make our own sexual and relationship choices without others invalidating our consent. To access social, medical, and justice services without discrimination in any form including but not limited to gender, sexuality, race, citizenship status, or the way we choose to work. To have our choices and bodily autonomy respected, including the right to decline services. To be free to work in a manner of our own choosing without onerous regulation that is disrespectful of our agency and autonomy.
In 1979, Kathleen Barry's landmark book, Female Sexual Slavery, pulled back the curtain on a world of abuse prostitution that shocked the world. Documenting in devastating detail the lives of street prostitutes and the international traffic in women, Barry's work was called powerful and compassionate by Adrienne Rich and a courageous and crusading book that should be read everywhere by Gloria Steinem. The Los Angeles Times found it a powerful work filled with disbelief, outrage, and documentation . In The Prostitution of Sexuality, Barry assesses where we are 15 years later, how far we've come and, more importantly, how far we have still to go. Shifting her focus from the sexuality of prostitution to the prostitution of sexuality, Barry exposes the practice of teenage sexual exploitation and the flourishing Asian sex tour industry, emphasizing the world-wide role of the expanding multi-billion dollar pornography industry.
The work identifies the global conditions of sexual exploitation, from sex industrialization in developing countries to te normalization of prostitution in the West. The Prostitution of Sexuality considers sexual exploitation a political condition and thus the foundation of women's subordination and the base from which discrimination against women is constructed and enacted. Breaking new ground, Barry convincingly argues for the need to integrate the struggle against sexual exploitation in prostitution into broader feminist struggles and to place it, as one of several connected issues, in the forefront of the feminist agenda. Barry concludes the book with a sampling of strategies-- international, regional, local, and personal--that feminist activists have employed successfully since the early 1980s, highlighting new international legal strategies for human rights resulting from her work.
Prostitution is Endemic in Mexico. Unless religion puts a damper on things, anywhere women have little opportunities compared to men. Prostitution, overt or underground, flourishes. Mexico’s problem is more the high percentage of young women out of work, or marginalized by lack of education. 500 US dollars a night, when all she can make back in the provinces is that amount in a month, especially when she is a single mother with one or more kids to feed. Prostitution and all its guises, like lap dancing, massaging, or giving old Johnny a quick rub, has become huge business in Mexico City’s Zona Rosa area.
This once pleasant neighbourhood of cafes, restaurants and theatres in now best avoided at night when the strip club touts take over and the young, drug-dealing spivs rule the roost. Drugs, greed and the dangers of AIDS have taken any pretence of romance from a sojourn with a lady of the night these days. Many years ago, buying a woman for an hour or a night was a harmless, low-key diversion for both the girl and the client. The clubs were simple places with a juke box and occasional mariachis. The girls was happy to spend an hour or so dancing and having a few real drinks.
Although money was obviously the prime mover, it was not made unpleasant as it is today. Some girls had regular customers and really had genuine feelings for them. The waiters, police and management were nice people, happy to chat and protective of both the girls and the visitors. If anyone has visited a modern sex club they realize how ghastly the experience has become in the Third Millennium. You are hounded to spend money from the minute you enter: unless you are prepared to pay a small fortune, there is no real sex. Most of the girls have a drug dependency and many are lesbians or transvestites.
You are in real danger if you take one of these woman back to your hotel or flat. A friend of mine was robbed and shot to death recently by a gangster summoned by the woman in the early hours of the morning and they were never caught, despite the FBI becoming involved. The economic conditions that drive women into sexual slavery and drug dependence have also affected the ability of married men to maintain the "Casa Chica." (little or second home), also known as the "Segunda Frente," (second front). This tradition is part of society among Mexicans of all economic levels and tolerated by wives who have turned a blind eye.
There is little shame being a kept woman in Mexico, if fact, no little cachet if the man is successful, wealthy and/or famous. This situation has gone on from the days of the Conquistadores (Conquerors) in the 16th. Century. Cortez himself travelled with his concubine, the Indian, Malinche. She helped him overthrow Moctezuma and the Aztec Nation, which didn’t prevent the soldier from abandoning her when he returned to Spain. In truth, the life of a mistress of a wealthy man is vastly superior in most ways to that of the legal spouse. The reasons are obvious, so you can figure them out yourself, along with the disadvantages. Women in Mexico also take lovers. But they still have to be most discrete as the law favours the man, and machismo brings physical danger to the woman and her lover.
Being cuckolded here is called putting on the horns (cuernos) and must be dealt with by any real man. I was quite taken aback recently by a trip along Calle Sullivan and cross streets in Mexico City late on a Saturday I was with a friend from Australia and his 12-year-old son I had just met at the airport. The streets were lined with "working girls," reaching into the car. "What are all these ladies, dad? " the youngster enquired. My buddy, R--, thought quickly and said, "They are mothers, son, looking for a kid to adopt." O….. This all made him quite thoughtful.
One thing the girls still are in Mexican clubs: phenomenally attractive and not at all like their granite-faced, lumpy peers in Europe and the US, or their poor sisters on the streets of Mexico City. But I am glad my days of needing this type of stimulus regularly are long gone. I hate all drugs and I’m too romantic for today’s cash cows, and certainly not wealthy enough! Social IssuesBottled Water, Seriously? Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.
Back in the late 50's I used to spend quite a bit of time in San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico. 100.00 a month. The girls were friendly, young and pretty for the most part. I never heard of any crimes in the city except for the bribes that were given to the police. Oh for the good times again! Working on a story, fiction mind you. In the old days the Central part of Mexico was as civilized as they come. No whores anywhere. What happened? Prostitution is one of the oldest profession in the world. And once the fire in stomach takes over many girls succumb to it.
But not all are in it just for reasons like being single mom, kids to feed but many are in it for easy money and they include college girls who need money just for the their extra needs . Why we are so petrified,? Prostitution is good. Plays important role in the society. Sex is a human right. All the problems related to prostitution come from making it illegal. In Netherlands where prostitution is a legal and respectable job protected by police there is 50 times less crime related to the trade than in Mexico and I have a taxi taking me there this afternoon.
Can anyone give me an idea what to expect. Being a bit of a "whorehound" in my misspent youth, I can't disagree with you. It's often cheaper in the long run to go with prozzies anyway. I have not had bad experiences with Mexican whores; the only bad times i ever had was when drunk. Well I have been here in Mexico for 2 years now. 130 for the same. One does have to be careful - there are apparently three girls working the streets who have AIDS. In fact I went with one the other day but wore a condom.
They have stolen from me - in one was a real pro pick pocket - I was pretty impressed with her skills. They are surviving and struggling. 1500 in one night. In fact I am going to meet a working girl in about an hour from now. I have no shame whatsoever in what I am doing. NONE. The only drawback is that the more women you have sex with - the harder it is to forge a relationship and the more quickly you get bored of sex with the same woman. I am coming to terms with the fact that I am going to be single all my life.
If I get too lonely I'll get a dog. I have friends but I enjoy my own company too. BTW - I treat the girls with respect - am gentle and kind to them. I do not trust them but I am a gentleman in their company. Muchas gracias para su amable comentario, Gene y mucho suerte por la futuro. As a former student at Mexico City College, graduated in 68, we were well acquinted with different levels of bar girls. In fact many of us used to stay at hotel Geneve. Garibaldi plaza was always a prostitued area but also realitively safe for american tourists and students. I have not been back to MC since 68 and really dont care to go under the current conditions.
It is sad that these women have to resort to saling their bodies. I pray for them. I took too long to answer you. Money is god and greed permeates everything nearly today. Mexican bordellos used to be fun: no more, drugs, violence and I visited Mexico City once on business in October 1993. I stayed at a hotel in the Zona Rosa area. 1 dollar) and everybody seemed really happy. I saw more people talking on cell phones in Mexico City than I saw in my native Los Angeles California. In fact, cell phones were still a bit of a luxury at that time in L.A.
Anyway, at night, I asked the cab driver at my hotel to take me to an interesting club that I might enjoy. I walk in this place, and there are six tables, with a woman sitting alone at each one. Anyway, it didn't take long to realize that they were I sat down at a table, drank a beer, ordered a drink for the lady sitting at the table with me, chatted for about 10 minutes before deciding that I didn't want to stick around. I couldn't believe it! He wouldn't budge on the bill either, but assured me that I would get a discount if I chose one of the ladies for the evening!
20 bills fast and got the hell outta there! From the my experience in Mexico City almost 17 years ago, the money grubbing has been going on there for quite some time. When I was young, I hardly ever needed to pay for sex. Nice life on the yacht; you get a good perspective on life from off shore. I enjoyed your hub, I jus heard a story of 2 famouse luchadores from mexico that got poisned by 2 prostitutes in that area. They went to a hotel with them and they poisned their drinks and they died and they never found the women.
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