Multiclass Restrictions

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Multiclassing in EFU

The vast majority of multiclass options are available to all in EFU: City of Rings. However, some base classes cannot be multiclassed together without either talking to a DM first, via [Discord] or through applications.

DM Discussion Multiclasses

These multiclasses require talking to a DM before taking.

Monk and Any Other Class

Before taking monk levels along with another class, speak to a DM beforehand to approve it, except for Druid which requires an application.

Paladin and Any Other Class

Before taking paladin levels along with another class, speak to a DM beforehand to approve it. However, different EFU: City of Rings Paladin Orders and Codes may permit multiclass possibilities, but most Paladins will maintain a single class.

Application-only Multiclasses

These multiclasses are unlikely to be allowed but with a strong application, they may be.

Fighter and Barbarian

Whether barbarian or fighter are your character's base class, do not multiclass into the other without an application.

Monk and Druid

Whether monk or druid are your character's base class, do not multiclass into the other without an application.

Prestige Classes

Prestige Classes do not count as multiclassing for the purposes of perk bonuses and have no mechanical requirements. (e.g. a Weapon Master does not need 4 ranks of Intimidate)