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In EFU: City of Rings, there are many organisations a character can join. Associations do not require an [[Applications|application]] to the DMs, however to join a Faction you must send in an application.
In EFU: City of Rings, there are many organisations a character can join. Associations do not require an [[Applications|application]] to the DMs, however to join a Faction you must send in an application.

In order to join an association, it is necessary to:
1) Be loyal to your association. If you wish to betray or leave your assocation, it is necessary to consult with a DM beforehand.
2) All associations that have uniforms expect PCs to wear them at ALL times unless specified otherwise by DMs.
3) Secure the approval of existing association members.
4) No application or DM approval is required.
In order to join a House, it is necessary to:
1. Be a human.
2. Be a Peerage Ward citizen.
3. Pay an admission fee to cover the cost of your equipment (typically around 1k GP).
In order to join a Guild, it is necessary to:
1. Be a Ticker Square citizen
2. Pay an admission fee to cover the cost of your equipment (typically around 1k GP).

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It is clear that the Peerage itself exists in a state of flux where strong, proactive retainers have an opportunity to leave an indelible mark upon both the success of their House as well as the future of the entire Ring itself.
It is clear that the Peerage itself exists in a state of flux where strong, proactive retainers have an opportunity to leave an indelible mark upon both the success of their House as well as the future of the entire Ring itself.
In order to join a House, it is necessary to:
* 1) Be a human
* 2) Secure the approval of the existing members of the House
* 3) Pay an admission fee to cover the cost of your equipment (typically around 1k GP)
* 4) Swear to serve faithfully. Note: If you wish to portray either a treacherous member of the House or someone who will not be primarily focused on the House, it is necessary to consult with a DM before hand.
* 5) No application or DM approval is required.

There are five principal Houses that characters are able to join. While we recommend actually visiting the different estates in-game to get a sense of their differences, here is some basic information:
There are five principal Houses that characters are able to join. While we recommend actually visiting the different estates in-game to get a sense of their differences, here is some basic information:

Revision as of 08:38, 28 August 2020

In EFU: City of Rings, there are many organisations a character can join. Associations do not require an application to the DMs, however to join a Faction you must send in an application.

In order to join an association, it is necessary to:

1) Be loyal to your association. If you wish to betray or leave your assocation, it is necessary to consult with a DM beforehand. 2) All associations that have uniforms expect PCs to wear them at ALL times unless specified otherwise by DMs. 3) Secure the approval of existing association members. 4) No application or DM approval is required.

In order to join a House, it is necessary to:

1. Be a human. 2. Be a Peerage Ward citizen. 3. Pay an admission fee to cover the cost of your equipment (typically around 1k GP).

In order to join a Guild, it is necessary to:

1. Be a Ticker Square citizen 2. Pay an admission fee to cover the cost of your equipment (typically around 1k GP).


Peerage Ward Associations

"The Peerage? You can laugh at their moat of sewage...chuckle at their wobbly castles and titles to non-existent lands.... just watch yourself if you get too close, runner, for they can be a dangerous folk. Watch out for prickly lords with guardsmen as fanatic as they come. And above all else, just see you never get between them and some chipped royal tea saucer ... because that's when they'll really start to fight dirty."
-- Codwick the Scribbler

According to legend, the Peerage was once the undisputed governing authority of all of Ring 99. The self-proclaimed nobles families of the Peerage claimed the right of rule on account of purity of blood, deeds of rebellion against the Lizardfolk Master of many ages past, and above all else the blessing of the King.

Time have changed, and the Peerage is now in much decline. The Guilds of the Ring have established their own Ward-Authority in Ticker Square and the Peers do not really control anything past their bridge.

The Peerage itself has become a viper's nest of shifting allegiances, petty rivalries, constant one-upsmanship, and intrigue between and among the different houses. The only thing that truly unites them is a shared language of tradition, superiority, and obsession with the royal markers of prestige.

While the Peerage technically has a Lord's Council that governs affairs, it has not formally met for a long time and ward's only genuinely unifying figure would be the supposed "Royal" Archivist, that staid and grim figure who seems to be only interested in keeping an accounting of which house stands where in the local hierarchy.

It is clear that the Peerage itself exists in a state of flux where strong, proactive retainers have an opportunity to leave an indelible mark upon both the success of their House as well as the future of the entire Ring itself.

There are five principal Houses that characters are able to join. While we recommend actually visiting the different estates in-game to get a sense of their differences, here is some basic information:

House Orza


The Orza are a relatively new power in the Ward. Grigori Orza proclaimed his ambitions for a lordly seat as a young man, then merely the captain of the Gutterknives - a band of brigands-turned-sellsword. Wielding overwhelming military force as his primary tool, Orza first killed for the Lords until his prowess could not be denied - and then claimed his seat. The Orzas have recently claimed the fastness of the prestigious House Moonspear, in that lord's absence -- an unpopular move with their rival Houses.

Retainers of House Orza maintain its peerless martial tradition, and even in peacetime they compose themselves as rough-shod soldiers on a long campaign. The Orza represent a new way of thinking in the Peerage Ward, the idea that might and discipline triumph over ancient titles.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Lawful
Recommended Class: Non-Druid, Non-Paladin
Recommended Race: Human

House Glitt


By the efforts of Mairead Glitt and her loyalists, the Steward Skudge has been driven out from House Glitt. With the support of his family and leal retainers, Lord Bernard -- now struggling to maintain his sobriety -- has come to terms with the destitute poverty of the House. Aiming to do his father proud, the Lord Glitt now surrounds himself with what few souls in the Peerage Ward still remember the honor of the Old House.

Still impoverished, but undaunted, the men and women in service to House Glitt are fiercely loyal, ferocious in their duties, and boisterous in their hall. They have a reputation for being loutish, for speaking their minds, and for always honoring a debt to a friend. They are much loathed by the formal, dignified Houses for their swiftness to anger, and their dissatisfaction with the often sinister scheming of the other Peers.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Good
Recommended Class: Any Non-Druid
Recommended Race: Human

House Sunpurse


The solemn and dutiful retainers of House Sunpurse have been a presence in the Ward since its founding. The heirs of the House are afflicted by a curse of ill luck, and each has met his untimely demise before his 35th name day. Currently, there is no living male heir to the house - Phelan Sunpurse has gone missing. The Widow to the late Lord now exists in a state of perpetual mourning, locking herself away in the crypt-like basement.

Retainers to House Sunpurse are generally phlegmatic, dutiful, and focused on the dusty histories of their prestigious House. The ideal Sunpurse is demure, focused, and driven - measuring ambition with assured success.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Evil
Recommended Class: Non-Druid, Non-Paladin
Recommended Race: Human

House Velstra


House Velstra has endured the tenure of its reigning lord, Norbert Velstra, badly. It is a House afflicted by constant scandal, and extravagant excess. Lord Norbert is infamous for siring many bastards, colloquially mocked as the "Winespills" -- it is a testament to Norbert's good humor that this now stands as their official surname. Despite the aforementioned, the House maintains its position through shrewd and intelligent political angling; Norbert's network of uplifted bastards and loyal retainers comprise the most comprehensive information net in all Ring 99.

Retainers of House Velstra are perfectionists, cunning at their trade, and poetic in their execution. They are artists, hedonists, and gourmands... but not lacking in restraint, when called for. The ideal Velstra is a peerless socialite, and a shrewd politician.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Any
Recommended Class: Any Non-Druid
Recommended Race: Human (Winespill bastards possible, check with a DM)

House Nephezar


The haughty and mystic House Nephezar is among the oldest of the Peerage, and contend that their bloodline holds the purest and most noble lineage. The heirs of this house are prone to profound genius, or abhorrent madness; the official line of thought is that not all heirs of the family can contend with the potency of the Celestial blood in their veins, and some grow mad or mutant. Currently, the Lord of the House is indisposed - and it falls to his Brother and twin children to administrate affairs.

Retainers to House Nephezar are dogmatic and zealous Censors, or mystical and estoeric Thaumaturges. A strong arcane tradition dominates the house, though rather than the classical atheism espoused by most wizards, the Thaumaturges of Nephezar contend that their magical prowess is nothing less than a gift of the Gods.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Lawful
Recommended Class: Non-Druid, Non-Wizard
Recommended Race: Human

Ticker Square Assocations

Worshipful Guild of Weavers


Led by Lady Valentina Velstra, the Weaver's Guild are most often seen as the force of progress within Ticker Square. They are nicknamed the "Needles" in common slang. They concern themselves with political scheming, utopian idealism and very public acts of philanthropy, promising a fairer and more prosperous future for Ticker Square and an end to the vicious oligarchies of the past. Flooding parliament with an endless litany of proposals, they busy themselves with political meddling and manoeuvring, always in the name of a “brighter future”. However, behind curtains, many whisper the socialites, diplomats, and wizards of the Weavers are more (or less) than they first seem. They say their main priority is political gain rather than real improvement, and that the Webbers' tendencies toward scheming and subterfuge have so far only sunk the Square further into chaos. The Needles wage a cold war against the staunchly traditionalist Quills, preferring to batter their rivals with a barrage of endless maneuvering and legislation than through open war in the streets.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Chaotic
Recommended Class: Any Non-Druid
Recommended Race: Any

Worshipful Guild of Accountants


Led by Guildmaster Oscar Tchammorar, some accuse the accountants guild of being little more than a guildmaster led street gang or private army. They are nicknamed the "Quills" in common slang. They are known to be deeply sceptical of Peerage rule of the Square and of their appointed representatives, and their time in parliament is spent mostly in obstruction and ensuring nothing gets done. The Accountants value business acumen above political manipulation, and direct action above petitioning or passing laws; in their minds, it is still gold rather than seats that rules the Square. The public perception of the Accountants is poor; they are often regarded as little more than an unruly assortment of loan sharks and enforcers, with some even claiming that hired assassins number among them.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Evil
Recommended Class: Any Non-Druid
Recommended Race: Any

The Planar Prospectors


The Planar Prospectors have lain dormant for a long time; though recently they became active in Tickertown once more under the guidance of Zelia N'dare, a famed raider of the Seams, they were betrayed by her in their darkest hour and remain divided and leaderless in her absence. They are a lively addition to Ticker Square, dressing in garish clothing and dealing in strange wonders of the seams. Their number are a motley assortment of pirates, scholars, explorers and scavengers, bound together only by the support and advice of their Guild.

These individuals come from many walks of life, but most are magically inclined. Eccentricities and individualistic streaks are common amongst its members, who have little in the way of strict hierarchy or discipline.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Chaotic
Recommended Class: Any Non-Druid
Recommended Race: Any


Secretive Druid Association

It is well known that organised druidic circles have been hunted almost to extinction in the name of the King and his City, so little is known of the few that manage to avoid this fate. Rumours and old wives tales speak of changelings that lurk in the City of Rings, bringing terror to civilised society and orchestrating foul plots of fairytale evil, beastliness, and mischief.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Any
Recommended Class: Druid
Recommended Race: Any

The Recondite


The Recondite of Ring 98 toil in secret, under the mongrelwood. It is said work in a system of mines, mining the richest living stone to repair wounded city golems- a task believed impossible by the city at large. From a young age, they are taught to work until their hands bleed, and as they grow, they remain ever driven. Together, they are a unified and industrious force within the the city. A people driven together towards a singular and mysterious goal, well hidden from the city at large. At once a people and an organization, the recondite have no true allies within the city, and life within this faction will be a harder experience, intended for more experienced players.

Changed by their connection to the city, the Recondite are afflicted with a crippling disease. Patches of their skin slowly turn to stone, and most of them end their lives as little more than hidden statues.

Application: Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
Recommended Alignment: Lawful
Recommended Class: Any
Recommended Race: Must be Recondite

Elite Factions

Application only DM factions.

Arbiters of the Hundred Scrolls

Due to In-Game events the Arbiters are currently, and indefinitely, unavailable for applications.


The Arbiters of the Hundred Scrolls are the indomitable enforcers of a complex tradition of laws written upon sacred scrolls. The Arbiters believe that they are judge, jury, and executioner. They are custodians of the law and mediators of disputes, carrying on a tradition as ancient as the City itself. Rumours brand the Arbiters both as irksome vigilantes who cause more trouble than they cure, and indispensable champions who strike fear into the hearts of the wicked. In the philosophy of the Arbiters, they are all that stand between the City and total chaos.

Ranking Arbiters are called Monitors, and the Arbiters are ultimately led by a secretive assembly known as the Synod.

Application: Due to In-Game events the Arbiters are currently, and indefinitely, unavailable for applications.
Recommended Alignment: Lawful
Recommended Class: Non-Druid, Non-Wizard
Recommended Race: Non-Monstrous

The Knaves of 99


The Knaves of 99 are a thieves guild that consider themselves the masters of all criminal activity in Ring 99. Rumour has it that no act of criminality happens without the Knaves having a hand in it, or at least knowing about it. Because of this, they are often the (willing) scapegoats of crimes they didn't commit. The Knaves are best known for pulling off bold heists that frustrate both the nobles of the Peerage Ward and the guilds of Ticker Square in equal measure, all rumoured to further some unknown 'dark design'. They are associated with any number of criminal enterprises including occasional dark dealings with narcotics and assassination.

Despite being full-time thieves and part-time murderers, the Knaves of 99 apparently have a strict code and hierarchy known only to their members.

Application: Required.
Recommended Alignment: Evil
Recommended Class: Non-Druid, Non-Paladin
Recommended Race: Any