General Changes & Feat Changes

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Major EFU Changes

Many changes have been made to EFU: Sands of Intrigue that have no home elsewhere in the Wiki. This is where you can find information on those topics.

Mechanical changes

Bioware Parties Bioware Parties have been disabled in EFU. This is for the enjoyment of all players and DMs.
HP Rolls on Level Up Characters roll max HP on each level up and it is no longer randomized.
Starting Level Characters start at level 2 in the OOC starting area. Level 5 is very easy to reach by performing many of the quests available to starting players. While level 7 is achievable for almost any player, the difficulty will begin to sharply increase from there. Level 10 is sometimes attained by accomplished long-term characters. Levels 11+ are reached only very rarely, by very influential PCs, and require an application to be approved prior to leveling up in-game.
Saving throws Saving throws do not auto-fail on rolling 1's, but still auto-succeed on 20's.
In-game Clock In-game hours are twenty seven minutes long outside of game, instead of only two. Turns remain unmodified at one minute outside of game. Everything that was hour-duration in vanilla Neverwinter Nights is now 5 minutes, unless stated otherwise.
Resting Your character may rest only in an inn room (after having paid the innkeeper), out in the wild with a campfire, or in special "free resting" locations. Free resting is provided by most associations, factions, and in-game properties. You may rest once every 15 minutes. Class benefits for resting exist for Rangers, Druids, and Barbarians. Perks for some classes affect this as well.
Spell Effects Various spell visual effects have been removed/shortened.
Ability Bonuses Ability stat bonuses from multiple items do not stack. Bonuses from items and spells will stack
Stealth Stealth is more effective in some areas (such as dark caves) than it is in brightly lit rooms.
Taunt Taunt is now instant and no longer consumes an action. It is still on a 6-second cooldown. When used, it broadcasts an Attack of Opportunity.
Caltrops Caltrops will not stack when dropped on top of each other.
AC Stacking AC from Bracers will not work if your character has an armor modifier from other sources (such as padded, leather, or metal armors).
Small Stature "Small" creatures, including halfling and gnome characters, no longer receive +1 AB/+1 AC.
Lethal vs Nonlethal Damage There are various damage modes (subdual, sparring, blackout, and full damage) all accessible through the Crafting Menu or by using Voice Commands. Blackout mode sends a PC into a special "unconscious" area. You can then grab their unconscious body and take it with you somewhere. Familiars/Companions/Summons should be on the damage mode of their master. Note that summons switch to FD as they are being unsummoned, this is an unavoidable bug due to the game's engine, so be careful.

Scripted Changes

DM XP DM XP can be awarded for many feats: Doing interesting 'things', pursue interesting stories, express your creativity, roleplay excellently and entertaining yourself and others. It is worth noting that DM XP is not a guarantee, but can also be earned if you persevere through a "spiced" quest. Merely being present for an important event may also earn you some XP.
Delivery Quests We have some pretty basic delivery quests around. Note that the delivery NPC will be marked by our system as part of the quest system, which may lead to some confusion.
Exploration Random Areas We have more than a hundred of these, easily. Basically, throughout the course of the day different transitions spawn in different areas that either a solitary PC or a group can explore. Some are insanely challenging, some are nothing more than an empty room with a huge pile of loot. They're fun, but sometimes very deadly. Players often refer to these as "randoms" or simply "explorables".
Random Ambients lots of different little small "things" spawn all around the module also. Strange shrines, or deadly plants... etc.
Rumors We have a "rumors" system by which we can very easily and dynamically update the rumors that NPCs or placeables mention via our web console. Thus, very often we'll hide lore or plot hints or remarks on player actions in-game. It can be worthwhile to speak with NPCs and read placeables scattered across the module...
Rare Spawns There are a variety of rare random monster spawns that can be quite rewarding to kill. Some are "Hero Spawns" (randomly named and titled NPCs), others are just very rare. These famed heroes among monsters may seek out experienced characters that are avoiding their lairs.
Scavenging There are a lot of areas that can be "scavenged," particularly with high Search skill. You might spontaneously find nice treasure just lying around or in rubble. Certain perks may help grant additional bonuses.
Merchants Occasionally, special merchants with stores will spawn in-game with discounted or randomly generated wares. They can be found in "explorable" areas that populate across the module. Many of these stores sell mundane, flavorful wares. You might also find something among them worthwhile or something to aid your roleplay, such as collectibles, keys, a bit of lore, or just something sort of interesting or unique.
Interaction NPCs Some of the random spawn NPCs in settlements can be interacted for the possibility of a reward, such as an arm-wrestling contest wagering gold.
Reinforced Gold Chests In EFU:Sands of Intrigue, occasionally you will encounter 'Reinforced Gold Chests'. A minimum number of players is required to open these chests, requiring more people depending on the size of the chest. This is to provide incentive, and reward for larger parties. In order to open a 'Reinforced Gold Chest', players must gather in close proximity to the chest. Quests that contain these chests will often, but not always, have two types of chest: one chest for a medium sized parties and one chest for large sized parties.
Gold Piles In EFU: Sands of Intrigue, many quests feature gold piles that can be found as tiny, small, medium, large, or huge piles. Each pile can be clicked on to receive a random value of gold within a set range, varying depending upon the size of the pile. For example, a small pile might reward you with 25-50 gold, a medium pile with 50-75 gold, and so on. These piles will despawn on use.
Sacks of Gold In EFU: Sands of Intrigue, Sacks of Gold can be found in many quests, and can be collected by multiple players. Each player will receive randomized value of gold depending upon the quest. This does not despawn once used, but can only be used once per a quest by each player.
Treasure Boxes In EFU: Sands of Intrigue, special reward placeables can be found in quests that reward every player who opens it. These placeables are usually appear as a pile of boxes. Keep an eye out!
Delivery Order NPCS As an inversion of Delivery Quests, players can pay for the collection of a randomized package of loot. Several NPCs offering their services for a bit of coin exist throughout the Desert
Raise Dead Raise Dead has been disabled for Cleric PCs. Respawn deaths should considered as simply having been seriously injured or knocked out.
Cleric Spellcasting Clerics are now Relic Guardians and require you to be attuned to a relic in order to cast spells. You may only attune to a single relic at a time, only once per rest, and they will determine what circle of spells you are able to properly cast.
Graverobbing Bash a sealed Sarcophagus and it produces a plundered tomb placeable with a description that tells pcs how it was damaged. Rob tombs or hunt down those who do!
Falling Damage Failing climbing checks will generally result in falling damage, which will inflict a significant amount of bludgeoning to your character. This can be lethal if you are reckless enough!
New Shape Change AI A new shapechanger AI has been added to appropriate NPCs.
Sticky Combat Modes Sticky Combat Modes have been implemented. You may walk around freely with Flurry of Blows, Expertise, Dirty Fighting, Parry, Defensive Casting, and other combat stances.

New Feats

Feat Prerequisites Effect
Arcane Armor Training Light Armor Proficiency and ability to cast 1st-level spells Reduce the arcane spell failure chance due to the armor you are wearing by up to 15%
Arcane Armor Mastery Medium Armor Proficiency, Arcane Armor Training and ability to cast 1st-level spells Reduce the arcane spell failure chance due to the armor you are wearing by up to 30%. This value replaces and does not stack with Arcane Armor Training
Silken Mail None Gain the effects of Mage Armor on your equipped armor twice per day, cast at your character level
Drifter 4 ranks of Survival May rest without a campfire
Herald 4 ranks of Persuade May make sendings at no cost
Arcane Physician 4 ranks of Heal Increase amount healed by Cure Wounds Spells by 1 points per 5 heal skill
Torch Fighter None You are an intrepid explorer accustomed to delving into dark and forgotten places. You have learned to turn your trusty torch, and source of light, into a deadly weapon. While holding a torch your melee attacks deal 1d6 fire damage. You cannot use this ability while fighting unarmed.
Practiced Spellcaster None Your caster level increases by 4, but no higher than your total character level.
Fight or Flight 4 ranks of Athletics You are light on your feet, able to chase down prey, or turn and run on a moment's notice. Once per day, gain +50% movement speed for one round per 5 ranks in athletics. At 5th level this improves to Haste.

Feat Changes

Ambidexterity Pre-requisite is 14 DEX, instead of 15 DEX.
Arcane Defense
In addition to vanilla effects and some custom effects still listed on the Spell Focus page:
Spell Focus is not required to take the feat
Must now be able to cast 1st level spells
Taking the feat grants a unique 1/day ability
Grants immunity to Lesser Dispel & Dispel Magic for a number of rounds equal to character level.
All summons around the caster in a colossal radius roll a will save against the character's level + 15 and are destroyed on a failed save.
Removes all See Invisibility effects and other perceptive Divination effects (like True Seeing or Clairvoyance) from all creatures in a colossal area
Grants immunity to mind spells for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Grants +10 Reflex for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Removes all invisibility effects from all creatures in a colossal area and grants See Invisibility for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Grants 50% immunity to negative energy, and immunity to fear, death, and ability drain for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Grants immunity to slow, petrification, and involuntary shapechanging for a number of rounds equal to character level.
Blooded Additionally grants +1 Fortitude and increases chances of stabilizing when bleeding out (stacks with the Rogue Survivor perk)
Brew Potion Brewing potions has been streamlined and made more efficient in EFU. You can purchase a Potion Cauldron to create multiple potions (the number of potions you can brew at a time using the cauldron is determined by character level) from a single spell-cast or a Brewer's Elixir to check the maximum cost of brewing each potion. To use either, simply cast the spell onto the item. Brewing costs are randomized, but never exceed the Elixir's maximum, and are reduced by your Appraise. Potion Cauldrons are also affected by your level, determining how many potions you can brew at once. Paladins and Rangers can only brew one potion at a time, even with a potion cauldron. Brewing does not cost XP on EFU.
Bullheaded Additionally grants 1d12 temporary HP on rest
Combat Casting Provides a flat +4 Concentration and makes Mage Armor undispelable.
Courteous Magocracy Additionally grants +2 Persuade
Craft Wand To avoid having to spend a large amount of resources experimenting, EFU has Crafting Scepters that can be found in-game and used to determine the maximum crafting cost of each wand. Prices differ depending on the same formulas described for Brew Potion (excluding Appraise benefits). Crafting does not cost XP on EFU.
Disarm & Improved Disarm No longer provides bonus AB based on the difference between combatants' weapon size categories.
Dual-Wield & Two-Weapon Fighting The effects of Magic Weapon, Flame Weapon, Darkfire, Poison and Alchemist's Fire duplicated to off-hand weapon when cast on your main weapon.
Improved Two-weapon Fighting Prequisite is 8 Base Attack Bonus
Evasion Evasion now requires the character to be wearing Light Armor or below. It also requires that you not be under the effect of a disable that stops you from taking move actions (Confusion, Domination, Paralyze, etc)
Expertise +3 bonus to AC, -3 penalty to AB
Improved Expertise +6 bonus to AC, -6 penalty to AB
Greater Spell Focus: Evocation By choosing GSF: Evocation, the element you have selected to associate with your Flame Weapon element adds a special effect to spells that deal elemental damage of that sort. For example, having cold as your Flame Weapon element will add the below effect to all cold damage spells, such as Ice Storm. You can choose the elemental association of your Flame Weapon by interacting with a placeable in the OOC starter zone.
    Fire - Damaged targets make a saving throw or are set on fire. They receive 1d4 damage per round until a successful save is made.
    Cold - Damaged targets make a saving throw or suffer Slow for one round.
    Acid - Damaged targets make a save throw or experience -2 Armor Class for 1d6 rounds.
    Electrical - Damaged targets spread 1d4 electrical damage to other nearby targets.
Improved Critical Perquisite is 6 Base Attack Bonus
Improved Knock-down Perquisite is 6 Base Attack Bonus
Power Attack +3 bonus to attack damage, -3 penalty to AB
Improved Power Attack +6 bonus to attack damage, -6 penalty to AB
Luck of the Heroes Renamed to Fortunate
Scribe Scroll The addition of the Inkwell Arcana, an item that can be found in-game and used to determine the price each inscribing of a scroll will cost you. Scribing does not cost XP on EFU.
Resist Disease Having the feat Resist Disease grants 3/+1 DR while in the Gutters.
Resist Energy Pre-requisite is five fortitude save.
Silent Spell Having the Silent Spell feat passively negates spell failure when underwater.
Silver Palm Automatically pass the hidden Persuade checks to see special items on certain merchants. Each stall you open generates a rumor, alerting potential customers of where you are located.
Skill Focus: Heal Increases the rate at which herbs heal the target (per instance) from 1 to 2.
Snake Blood Additionally grants the "Use Poison" feat
Spring Attack All pre-requisites are removed and can be taken at any level - i.e. dexterity 13+, dodge, mobility, base attack bonus +4 are NOT required.
Still Spell Having the Still Spell feat passively negates spell failure from limb loss.
Stealthy Additionally grants bonus +1 to Hide and Move Silent skills
Stunning Fist Duration is, properly, 12 seconds to match the original duration prior to Beamdog's change
Turn Undead Clerics use a custom, unique system in EfU. See Turn Undead for more information related to this feat. Paladin Turn Undead remains unchanged.
Weapon Focus Instead of applying to an individual weapon, this feat now applies to a categorical weapon group.
    Axes: Greataxes, Battleaxes, Dwarven Waraxes, Handaxes, Double Axes, Throwing Axes
    Heavy Blades: Greatswords, Longswords, Bastard Swords, Katanas, Two-Bladed Swords, Falchions
    Light Blades: Shortswords, Scimitars, Daggers, Rapiers, Sickles, Kamas, Kukris, Darts
    Close Quarters: Unarmed Strikes, Quarterstaffs, Creature Weapons, Shurikens, Magic Staffs, Whips
    Maces and Flails: Maces, War Maces, Light Flails, Heavy Flails, Morningstars, Dire Maces
    Hammers and Clubs: Warhammers, Mauls, Light Hammers, Tools, Clubs
    Polearms: Halberds, Spears, Short Spears, Tridents, Lances, Scythes
    Ranged: Heavy Crossbows, Light Crossbows, Shortbows, Longbows, Slings
Weapon Specialization Instead of applying to an individual weapon, this feat now applies to a categorical weapon group.
Improved Critical Instead of applying to an individual weapon, this feat now applies to a categorical weapon group.

Weapon Focus/Weapon Spec/Imp Crit feats are now chosen per weapon group, not individual weapon. The benefits of these feats apply to the group.

Weapon Groups

Axes Ankus, Greataxe, Battleaxe, Dwarven Waraxe, Handaxe, Double Axe, Throwing Axe
Heavy Blades Greatsword, Longsword, Bastard Sword, Katana, Double Bladed Sword, Falchion
Light Blades Shortsword, Scimitar, Dagger, Rapier, Sickle, Kama, Kukri, Throwing Knives
Close Quarters Bag Nakh, Unarmed, Quarterstaff, Creature Weapons, Shurikens, Magic Staff, Whip, War Fan
Maces and Flails Light Mace, War Mace, Light Flail, Heavy Flail, Morningstar, Dire Mace
Hammers and Clubs Warhammer, Maul, Light Hammer, Tools, Club
Polearms Halberd, Spear, Short Spear, Trident, Lance, Scythe
Ranged Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Short Bow, Long Bow, Sling

Encumbrance Changes

Encumbrance limits were increased. Weight capacity has been increased by 10 at each point of Strength below 16. At 16 Strength, capacity is only increased by 5. From 17 Strength onward the values remain consistent with vanilla NWN.

Strength Encumbered Heavily Encumbered
1 16 20
2 23 30
3 30 40
4 36 60
5 43 70
6 70 80
7 76 90
8 83 100
9 90 110
10 96 120
11 102 125
12 110 140
13 120 160
14 126 185
15 143 210
16 158 235
17 173 260