Political Leagues

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League of Gold


  • To aspire for autonomy and the right to govern ourselves
  • To welcome and uplift those with little in wealth, but much in able contribution
  • To seek out trade and riches from the desert beyond, and build ourselves at the centre
  • To give a voice only to those that earn it, through deed and contribution

A vision for Ephia's Well

Ephia's Well is a bustling metropolis of trade and industry. Smog is blown away into the ash by the billowing plumes of factories. The banner of Baz'eel blows at the same level as one bearing a great heron atop the Pyramid. Great games of bloodsport are held in the Stadium for entertainment. Many thousands of embassies from many thousands of powers spring up like flowers in the blooming sands of the Well, each hosting a power from the melek to Kha'esh. The Voiceless are kept off of pristine, immaculate streets that are paved with solid gold. The Voiced are princes.

League of White


  • To give a voice to the Voiceless, that they may inspire us to greatness
  • To protect and develop our home, free from the shackles and boots of others
  • To welcome all who seek refuge, no matter their imagined worth
  • To master our own destiny, and not have it dictated for us
  • To ensure those with much, those merchants, those caravaneers those adventurers of limitless wealth, provide for the needy.

A vision for Ephia's Well

Ephia's Well is a sprawling metroplex filled to the brim with people. Great housing tenements litter the outskirts of Ephia's Well, which have been swallowed up by walls. No one is unhoused here. The Voiced system has long since withered away into dust. Everyone has a voice, and everyone has a vote. Elections are held regularly and with great displays of passion, patriotism and pride. Food and charity are brought in with great regularity from Baz'eel, and it goes first not to the rich man but to the poorest. Money itself ceases to have much meaning in this place, but for a quaint way for collectors to remember a world that once was. Ephia's Well has become a shining beacon of the Asterabadian dream.

League of Purple


  • To serve our benevolent Protector and benefactor the Sultan of Baz'eel as his first outpost, in his renewed Great Empire
  • To welcome those that flee the lawless wastes, and offer them the protection of our sovereign
  • To strike out into the sands, and through diplomacy or otherwise, tame those wayward sons and daughters that live there
  • To govern those without Voice with strength and compassion

A vision for Ephia's Well

Ephia's Well is a bastion of the Sultan's own glory in the sands. Great spires of security surround the Well; one wall, and then another, and then another. The Sultan has moved even his own seat here, which now resides atop the Pyramid in a dazzling array of purple and green. White Spear in hand, he reigns wisely and justly from his throne. A sprawling empire expands outwards from this place, the reclamation and salvation of a world on the brink of death. Elaborate irrigation projects deliver water to countless bountiful gardens. The poor, the sick and the weak are cared for and protected in holy, immaculate mosques devoted to B'aara. Water flows.