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===House Orza===
===House Orza===

Rumored to be little more than an upjumped gang of streets bandits, House Orza came to prominence after the once greatly respected House Moonspear left the Prestige, supposedly to go meet with the King. Lord Orza swiftly moved into the abandoned Moonspear Castle, claiming it for his own, and has rapidly solidified his position as one of the most powerful Houses - largely through force of arms.
The Orza are a relatively new power in the Ward.  Grigori Orza proclaimed his ambitions for a lordly seat as a young man, then merely the captain of the Gutterknives - a band of brigands-turned-sellsword. Wielding overwhelming military force as his primary tool, Orza first killed for the Lords until his prowess could not be denied - and then claimed his seat.  The Orzas have recently claimed the fastness of the prestigious House Moonspear, in that lord's absence -- an unpopular move with their rival Houses.

The Orza represent a new way of thinking in the Peerage Ward, the idea that might and discipline triumph over ancient titles.
Retainers of House Orza maintain its peerless martial tradition, and even in peacetime they compose themselves as rough-shod soldiers on a long campaign.  The Orza represent a new way of thinking in the Peerage Ward, the idea that might and discipline triumph over ancient titles.

It retainers tend to be aggressive, competent, violent, and ambitious.
:::'''Application:''' Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
:::'''Recommended Alignment:''' Any, however Evil PCs will have an easier time.
:::'''Recommended Class:''' Any Non-Druid
:::'''Recommended Race:''' Human

===House Nephezar===
===House Glitt===
Once a gathering place for noble, heroic, and worthy Peers, House Glitt has experienced a meteoric fall.  The reigning Lord Glitt is a pale shadow of his father, and has squandered the House fortunes on drink, brawling, and other darker vices... the house is in utter shambles.  Only the memory of what Glitt once was ensures its tenuous standing among the Peers.

It is said that the blood of angels runs through the bloodline of ancient House Nephezar, and it is certainly true that the scions of Nephezar seem able to manifest all manner of extraordinary talents and abilities. The House cleaves close to old notions of the purity of bloodlines and its retainers believe that the blood of Nephezar is the purest of all.
While some of the House's retainers wish to restore honor and virtue to the old House, most appear to be the true dregs of society. Nonetheless, there does seem to be a certain spirit about the place and the House's buffoonish retainers (drunk as they may appear) do seem to usually come to demonstrate an intense affection and loyalty for the Glitt name.

Its retainers tend to be proud, familiar with the arcane, and aggressive in promoting the interests of the House which they believe must claim its place as the pre-eminent house of the Peerage.
:::'''Application:''' Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
:::'''Recommended Alignment:''' Any, however Chaotic PCs will have an easier time.
:::'''Recommended Class:''' Any Non-Druid
:::'''Recommended Race:''' Human

===House Sunpurse===
===House Sunpurse===

One of the oldest Houses of the Peerage, House Sunpurse is much diminished from what it was once. Many whisper of the curse that runs through the bloodline of its Lords that inevitably lead them to a premature end. The latest lord, an eight year old boy named Phelan, has been missing for a long time. Lady Oreana, Phelan's mother and the widow of the late Lord Desmond, is said to be a tragically grief-stricken figure that refuses to meet with any of the suitors that crowd her door.
The solemn and dutiful retainers of House Sunpurse have been a presence in the Ward since its founding. The heirs of the House are afflicted by a curse of ill luck, and each has met his untimely demise before his 35th name day. Currently, there is no living male heir to the house - Phelan Sunpurse has gone missing.  The Widow to the late Lord now exists in a state of perpetual mourning, locking herself away in the crypt-like basement.  
Retainers to House Sunpurse are generally phlegmatic, dutiful, and focused on the dusty histories of their prestigious House.  The ideal Sunpurse is demure, focused, and driven - measuring ambition with assured success.

Its retainers tend to be austere, formal, traditionalist, scholarly and devoted to the Sunpurse family.
:::'''Application:''' Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
:::'''Recommended Alignment:''' Any
:::'''Recommended Class:''' Any Non-Druid
:::'''Recommended Race:''' Human

===House Velstra===
===House Velstra===

House Velstra, led by the ageing and obese patriarch Norbert Velstra, is the most decadent and scandal-ridden House in the Peerage Ward. Members of the house have a distinctive pale parchment-hued skin and copper-red hair.
House Velstra has endured the tenure of its reigning lord, Norbert Velstra, badly.  It is a House afflicted by constant scandal, and extravagant excess.  Lord Norbert is infamous for siring many bastards, colloquially mocked as the "Winespills" -- it is a testament to Norbert's good humor that this now stands as their official surname.  Despite the aforementioned, the House maintains its position through shrewd and intelligent political angling; Norbert's network of uplifted bastards and loyal retainers comprise the most comprehensive information net in all Ring 99.
Retainers of House Velstra are perfectionists, cunning at their trade, and poetic in their execution.  They are artists, hedonists, and gourmands... but not lacking in restraint, when called for. The ideal Velstra is a peerless socialite, and a shrewd politician.
:::'''Application:''' Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
:::'''Recommended Alignment:''' Any
:::'''Recommended Class:''' Any Non-Druid
:::'''Recommended Race:''' Human (Winespill bastards possible, check with a DM)

House Velstra is mocked and reviled outside of the Peerage. Persistent rumours about Norbert’s sexual profligacy (a revolving door of official matriarchs, having a very large number of children, siring bastards, keeping concubines and catamites, and wilder rumours) and the House’s many excesses (such as holding an “endless feast” over many years, investing its wealth in vanity projects, and acting as the patron of socialites, oddball artists, and eccentric scholars) have given House Velstra a reputation of permanent scandal in Ring 99. Despite its reputation, House Velstra remains one of the more powerful houses in the Peerage.
===House Nephezar===

Its retainers (many of whom are the illegitimate children of Lord Norbert, styling the surname "Winespill" as a mark of this heritage) tend to be socially adept, sybaritic, and cunning. Note: DM Permission is required to play a "Winespill."
The haughty and mystic House Nephezar is among the oldest of the Peerage, and contend that their bloodline holds the purest and most noble lineage.  The heirs of this house are prone to profound genius, or abhorrent madness; the official line of thought is that not all heirs of the family can contend with the potency of the Celestial blood in their veins, and some grow mad or mutant.   Currently, the Lord of the House is indisposed - and it falls to his Brother and twin children to administrate affairs.

===House Glitt===
Retainers to House Nephezar are dogmatic and zealous Censors, or mystical and estoeric Thaumaturges.  A strong arcane tradition dominates the house, though rather than the classical atheism espoused by most wizards, the Thaumaturges of Nephezar contend that their magical prowess is nothing less than a gift of the Gods.

No House has fallen quite so far and so fast as poor House Glitt. While once House Glitt was a paragon of the best of the conservative traditions of the Peerage, the House has been led to ruin by its current drunken Lord, the ignominious Bernard Glitt. Lord Glitt has thrown open the doors to the Hall and named a number of old drinking buddies and local tramps as his men-at-arms.
:::'''Application:''' Not Required. Earn membership in-game.
:::'''Recommended Alignment:''' Any
:::'''Recommended Class:''' Any Non-Druid, Wizards will have a tougher time.
:::'''Recommended Race:''' Human (Non-Humans, particularly Sorcerers, may be admitted as "pets", check with a DM)

While some of the House's retainers wish to restore honor and virtue to the old House, most appear to be the true dregs of society. Nonetheless, there does seem to be a certain spirit about the place and the House's buffoonish retainers (drunk as they may seem) do seem to usually come to demonstrate an intense affection and loyalty for the Glitt name.
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