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Bear in mind the following:
Bear in mind the following:
*Domains affect the '''[[Summoning]]''' theme of Clerics. The order in which you choose your Primary and Secondary domain will determine which domain governs your summoned creatures; the first domain selected always takes precedence. Most of the themes listed on the '''[[Summoning]]''' page will be available from the beginning, except the Law summoning theme, which requires five levels of Cleric.
*Domains affect the '''[[Summoning]]''' theme of Clerics. The order in which you choose your Primary and Secondary domain will determine which domain governs your summoned creatures; the first domain selected always takes precedence. Most of the themes listed on the '''[[Summoning]]''' page will be available from the beginning, except the Law summoning theme, which requires five levels of Cleric.
*Some bonuses requires you to have at least a minimum number of Cleric levels to receive.
*Some bonuses require you to have at least a minimum number of Cleric levels to receive.
*Some domains improve the Enhance Ability spell to grant +5 to an ability score, instead of +4; this bonus is only available to "pure" Clerics, who are not multiclassing.
*Some domains improve the Enhance Ability spell to grant +5 to an ability score, instead of +4; this bonus is only available to "pure" Clerics, who are not multiclassing.
*At this time, there are no deities that support the Dwarf, Gnome, Elf, Ooze, or Sun domains.
*At this time, there are no deities that support the Dwarf, Gnome, Elf, Ooze, or Sun domains.

Revision as of 04:11, 2 April 2024

Primary Domains

You may only have a single Primary Domain and it will determine the effects of a cleric's Turn Undead.

Bear in mind the following:

  • Domains affect the Summoning theme of Clerics. The order in which you choose your Primary and Secondary domain will determine which domain governs your summoned creatures; the first domain selected always takes precedence. Most of the themes listed on the Summoning page will be available from the beginning, except the Law summoning theme, which requires five levels of Cleric.
  • Some bonuses require you to have at least a minimum number of Cleric levels to receive.
  • Some domains improve the Enhance Ability spell to grant +5 to an ability score, instead of +4; this bonus is only available to "pure" Clerics, who are not multiclassing.
  • At this time, there are no deities that support the Dwarf, Gnome, Elf, Ooze, or Sun domains.
Domain Ability 1st Circle 2nd Circle 3rd Circle 4th Circle 5th Circle 6th Circle 7th Circle

Turn Undead
Resist Energy: Electric (Level 5) Jump - Gust of Wind Electric Orb - - -

Turn Undead
Chaos Shield 1% (Level 5) - - Cloud of Bewilderment Confusion - Horror Mark -

Turn Undead
Trackless Step (Level 5) Entangle - Spike Growth Barkskin - - -
Animal Friendly (Level 5)

Turn Undead
Death Avatar - - Death Ward Enervation - Foretell Doom -
Spell Focus: Necromancy (Level 5)

Turn Undead
Racial Power - Glyph of Warding Greater Magic Weapon - - - -

Turn Undead
Toughness (Level 5) Grease - Call Boulders Stoneskin - Stonehold -
+5 Enhance Ability (Constitution)

Turn Undead
Racial Power True Strike - - - - - -

Turn Undead
- Negative Energy Ray - Negative Energy Burst - Lesser Planar Binding - -

Turn Undead
Resist Energy: Fire (Level 5) Burning Bolt - - Wall of Fire Firebrand - -

Turn Undead
Resist Energy: Cold (Level 5) Ice Dagger - Wall of Ice Ice Storm - - -

Turn Undead
Racial Power Color Spray Mislead Ghostly Visage - - - -

Turn Undead
- - - - Chaav's Laugh Lesser Planar Binding - -

Turn Undead
Racial Power Camouflage - One with the Land - - - -

Turn Undead
- - Clarity Dismissal - Hold Monster - -

Turn Undead
- Magic Missile Melf's Acid Arrow Flame Arrow Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm Stoneskin - -

Turn Undead
Resist Energy: Acid (Level 5) Grease - Stinking Cloud Evard's Black Tentacles - - -

Turn Undead
Racial Power - Blood Frenzy - - War Cry - -

Turn Undead
Skill Focus: Astronomy Project Star Chart Star Shard - Celestial Regeneration - - -

Turn Undead
Resist Energy: Electric (Level 5) - - Call Lightning Lightning Avatar Chain Lightning - -

Turn Undead
Resist Energy: Fire (Level 5) - Searing Light Burst of Radiance Flame Strike - - Sunbeam

Turn Undead
Resist Energy Cold (Level 5) Mage Armor - Freedom of Movement - Extract Water Elemental Drown -
Underwater Casting (Level 3)

Secondary Domains

You may only have a single Secondary Domain. The order in which you choose your Primary and Secondary domain will determine which Summoning Theme is utilized.

Note that some bonuses requires you to have at least a minimum number of Cleric levels to receive and that others require you to be a Pure Cleric, with no levels in other classes.

Sub-Domain Ability 1st Circle 2nd Circle 3rd Circle 4th Circle 5th Circle 6th Circle 7th Circle


Blooded - Heart Clutch Vampiric Touch Blood Transcription Beltyn's Burning Blood - -


Skill Focus: Persuade - - Aura of Glory Charm Monster Dominate Person - -
+5 Enhance Ability (Charisma) - - -


Darkvision (Racial) Darkness Blindness/Deafness - Fear Greater Shadow Conjuration - -


Spell Focus: Necromancy (Level 5) - Contagion Infestation of Maggots - Enervation - -


Skill Focus: Engineering - - Gas Explosion Horizikaul's Shout Crumble Disintegrate -


Uncanny Dodge True Strike Twist Fate Foiled Future Future Pain - - -


+1 AB and +1 Negative energy damage versus target race for round/level, 1/day - Bestow Curse Castigate - Harm - -


- - Cure Serious Wounds Restoration - Heal - -


- - Phantasmal Affliction Displacement Phantasmal Killer Hypnotic Pattern - -


Skill Focus: Lore Identify Knock - True Seeing Feeblemind Legend Lore -


Defensive Roll True Strike - Heroism - - Protection From Spells -


Sonic element Darkfire (Level 5) Deafening Clang Darkfire - Keen Edge - - -


Spell Focus: Divination (Level 5) Identify Invisibility Purge - Lunar Bolt Mind Fog - -


Martial Weapon Proficiency (Level 5) Rallying Cry Charm Person Heroism - - - -


- - See Invisibility Clairaudience/
Insight - - -


Snake Blood (Level 3) - Poison Quillfire Mass Phantasmal Affliction - - -
Use Poison (Level 3)


Divine Protection - Shield Other - Minor Globe of Invulnerability Energy Buffer - -


Favored Enemy: Undead - Remove Disease Death Ward Bless Weapon Undeath to Death-- - -


Oath of Wrath* Death Armor - - Elemental Shield - - -


Scribe Scroll (Level 5) Identify Glyph of Warding - Delayed Blast Fireball - - -


5% Movement Speed (Level 5) - Death Armor (Sand) - Elemental Shield (Rock) Stoneskin - -


Underwater Breathing Ironguts Creeping Cold Hypothermia Greater Creeping Cold Drown - -
Skill Focus: Sailing


- Lesser Dispel Shield Lightning Bolt Lesser Spell Breach - Feeblemind -


- Web - Poison Spiderskin - - -


+5 Enhance Ability (Strength) - - Divine Power - - - -


Barbarian 1/- DR (Level 7) Ray of Enfeeblement Shield Other - Enervation - - -


- - Slow Future Pain Haste - - Time Stop


Skill Focus: Appraise Identify Knock See Invisibility - - - -


Skill Focus: Athletics Expeditious Retreat - Freedom of Movement Haste - - -


Divine Trickery Mislead Phantasmal Affliction Phantoms of Deception Phantasmal Assault - - -


Skill Focus: Intimidate - Heart Clutch Dread Seizure Virulent Walking Bomb - - -


Spell Focus: Necromancy (Level 5) Stone Bones Magic Fang Negative Energy Burst Greater Magic Fang - - -


Battle Mastery - Balagarn's Iron Horn Heroism - Greater Heroism - Aura of Vitality
Martial Weapon Proficiency (Level 5)

Racial Powers

Certain racial domains grant a 1/day racial power. This power grants a temporary +1 AB and +1 save bonus versus fear, plus +1 to whatever that race's associated stat is (Str for orcs, Con for dwarves, Dex for elves and halflings, Int for gnomes), and +2 AB versus that race's favored enemy (Elves for orcs, Orcs for dwarves and elves, Goblins for halflings and gnomes) for all friendly members of that race within 30ft, lasting one round/level.