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|align=Any Neutral
|HP=8 + CON
|Prof=Armor (Light, Medium), Shields, Weapons (Druid)
|Skills=6 + INT
|Saves=Fort High, Will High, Reflex Low
|BAB= +3/4

Druids tend to spend time away from settled neighborhoods and large groups of people, often preferring the company of vermin and stray animals and seeking out the secluded places where nature can still thrive unoppressed. They prefer to inhabit the wilderness, or to coexist with natural life in unnatural places (e.g. among worms in the gutters, or among a pack of wild dogs in an abandoned house).  

Druids are the guardians of the wilderness and its natural balance, defending their territory against the encroachment of all that is a violation of nature. In EFU druids derive their powers from ancient tradition and nature itself and need not be a servant of a specific deity.  Specifically this means you do not need a god such as "Silvanus" in your deity slot, and could put something as abstract as "Nature" or "Destruction" or whatever else might fitting for your druid concept.  Nonetheless, druids that violate key oaths or who do not take their duties seriously will swiftly lose their ability to cast spells.
'''Regardless, all druids should generally adhere to the following guidelines lest they lose their strange powers:'''
* Druids have an aversion to civilization and conventional civilized behavior, but particularly for the encroachment of civilization upon the wilderness
* Druids must have a general respect for nature, particularly animals and plant life, and should strive to maintain the fragile balance of nature
* Druids hold a loathing for such practices as animating the dead, summoning extraplanar beings, and similarly intrusive, unnatural acts of magic
* Druids particularly oppose the presence of aberrations and djinn, as well as the depraved mages who summon them
* Druids may not wear metal armor (including mithral) or a metal shield, nor brandish non-druidic metal weaponry
* Druids may not teach the druidic secrets to any non-druid.

'''Alignment:''' Any Neutral
'''Alignment:''' Any Neutral

'''Hit Points:''' 8+CON per level
'''Hit Points:''' 8 + CON per level

'''Proficiencies:''' Armor (Light, Medium), Shields, Weapon (Druid)
'''Proficiencies:''' Armor (Light, Medium), Shields, Weapon (Druid)

'''Skill Points:''' 4+int modifier per level (4+int modifier)*4 at 1st level
'''Skill Points:''' 6 + INT modifier per level, (6+INT)*4 at 1st level
'''Class Skills:''' Animal Empathy, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Trap, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, Persuade, Spellcraft

'''Save Progression:''' Fort High, Will High, Ref Low
'''Save Progression:''' Fort High, Will High, Ref Low
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'''Attack Bonus:''' +3/4 levels
'''Attack Bonus:''' +3/4 levels

=Druids in EFU: City of Rings=
'''Spellcasting:''' Divine (spell failure from armor is ignored), wisdom-based (a base wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level is required to cast a spell, bonus spells are based on modified wisdom, and the wisdom modifier affects spell DCs), and requires preparation.  
Druids in EFU: City of Rings do not require the patronage of a specific deity in order to cast spells. Players of druids should generally put something appropriately descriptive within their deity field.
Druid characters must maintain a commitment to a lifestyle that eschews the trapping of conventional civilized life.
In the decayed urban setting of the Rings, this can be a difficult thing. Furthermore, players should be aware that there exists a consistent prejudice within the Rings against all druids (often referred to as 'Changelings') and indeed any who exhibit the power to dramatically change their form.
Druids (or Changelings, as many have come to embrace the term) thus tend to spend time away from settled neighbourhoods and large groups of people, often preferring the company of vermin and stray animals or seeking out patches of wildness.
There exist regions of the Rings that have become overgrown parks or vine-covered patches of wildness, these areas tend to attract the attention of Changelings who seek to expand them or violently protect them from the incursions of others.
Some Changelings possess a connection with the Fey (and perhaps receive their strange powers as a result of it), and tend to exhibit those peculiar characteristics of that strange kind: a childlike capriciousness, a love of tricks and trickery, a wild and ever-changing emotional state, an appreciation for beauty and grotesque oddity to the same degree, and in general a certain passionate eccentricity.
Regardless, all Druids / Changelings should generally adhere to the following guidelines lest they lose their strange powers:
* An aversion to civilization and conventional civilized behavior
* A general respect for nature: animals & plantlife
* A strong dislike of such practices as: animating the dead, summoning demons & devils, the conjuration of bizarre extra planar creatures from beyond the City, and other acts of high magic
* There are many reasons for the prejudice and dislike of Changelings within the Rings. But it is widely believed that the presence of Changelings tends to bring bad luck.
More stringent guidelines under the Druidic Oath include:
* Druids may not wear metal armor or shield, or brandish non-druidic metal weaponry
* Druids may not take up permanent residence in a city ward, castle, temple, etc, as this is considered a concession to the unnatural world. Druids inhabit natural areas (e.g. a parkland or section of wildland), or coexist with natural life in unnatural places (e.g. among crocodiles or rats in the sewers, or a pack of wild dogs in an abandoned house, etc.).
* A druid may not teach the secrets of the druidic Order and/or their own Circle, to any non-druid.
* Druids must obey edicts and bans imposed by the local druidic circle. A ‘ban’ is achieved when a druidic circle declares a location, person, or thing to be forbidden. An ‘edict’ is an order that druids must follow. Bans and edicts are generally discussed and agreed upon by druidic circles. Druids who break bans and edicts can lose their druidic status.
Divine (spell failure from armor is ignored), wisdom-based (a base wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level is required to cast a spell, bonus spells are based on modified wisdom, and the wisdom modifier affects spell DCs), and requires preparation.
Custom spell changes: We have introduced a number of new spells.  A complete list of all spell changes can be found [https://wiki.efupw.com/index.php?title=Spell_changes here] and Custom Spells can be found [[Custom Spells|here]].
*Druid (Level 1):
*Druid (Level 2):
***Cat's Grace
***Eagle's Splendor
***Fox's Cunning
***Owl's Wisdom
*Druid (Level 3):
***Mass Ultravision
*Druid (Level 4):
***Ice Storm
*Druid (Level 5):
***Baleful Polymorph
*Druid (Level 6):
Unlike most other classes in EFU Druids do not require a bedroll or campfire to rest.
Starting at level 6 druids are able to track NPCs(not PCs) in the same area as themselves.
'''What is tracking?'''
"Tracking in hunting is the science and art of observing a place through animal footprints and other signs, including: tracks, beds, chews, scat, hair, etc. ... So called, 'master trackers', are able to know an animal through its tracks and trails, also known as spoor. These include not only identification and interpretation of tracks, but also scat (or feces), feathers, kills, scratching posts, trails, drag marks, sounds, marking posts, and more. There is a story in most of these marks to be found. The skilled tracker is able to discern these markings and recreate what transpired."
''-- Wikipedia, on Tracking''
One of the extra benefits that we provide for rangers and other wilderness oriented characters is a scripted Tracking ability. Rangers get this ability at ranger level two, and druids get it at druid level six. Tracking allows a character to use their keen observation skills to collect information on nearby animals, monsters, and characters without directly observing them.
'''How does tracking work on EFU?'''
To perform tracking, you can use either the Tracking option in the crafting menu, or the "/c track" voice command. They both do the same thing: your character will stoop for four seconds, and tracking information will be displayed in the combat window.
Successful tracking will yield a list of results. The amount of information conveyed in these results depends on the degree to which the tracker's roll to track exceeds the prey's roll to avoid being detected. The following are sample results, in increasing order of success:
    Other undistinguishable tracks here.
    Creature tracks to the N.
    Small creature tracks to the N.
    Small creature tracks to the NNW.
    Small creature tracks to the NNW, nearby.
    Small animal tracks to the NNW, nearby.
    Small animal tracks roughly 5 meters to the NNW.
    Small animal tracks (of the Rabbit of Caerbannog) roughly 5 meters to the NNW.
Tracking is done in EFU using opposed rolls. A tracker's ability to track his prey is a combination of the following:
    The tracker's ranger levels.
    The tracker's spot and search skills.
    The tracker's lore skill, capped by his ranger levels.
    The distance between the tracker and his prey.
    Whether the prey is the tracker's favored enemy.
    Whether the tracker has special vision (low-light vision or darkvision).
The prey's ability to confound a tracker is a combination of the following:
    The prey's size.
    The weight the prey is carrying.
    Whether the prey is flying/levitating.
    The prey's hide and move silently skills.
    Whether the prey is moving in Stealth Mode.
    Whether the prey has the Trackless Step feat.
What environmental factors can affect tracking?
Tracking is easiest in outdoor natural environments. Attempting to track in an indoors environment, or in an artificial environment, will incur a small penalty, due to the decreased number of visible cues (no rocks to displace, no lichen to trample, no mushrooms to brush aside).
What counts as "outdoor" or "artificial" in the City? A wooded forest is an outdoor natural environment. The Streets of the City are an outdoor artificial environment. The interior of the Open Door is an artificial indoor environment.
Certain areas also impose spot and listen modifiers, due to low amounts of light, constant echoing, or other environmental factors. These modifiers will factor into tracking by changing the effective spot and listen skills of the tracker.
How does Favored Enemy factor into tracking?
Good question! Rangers study their favored enemies and develop a keen understanding of their weaknesses; this understanding allows them to more skillfully track these foes. When attempting to decipher the tracks of a favored enemy, a ranger gets a bonus to their tracking roll.
Furthermore, certain racial types which an ordinary tracker might not be able to tell apart simply by virtue of their tracks (aberration tracks and outsider tracks are both "strange", magical beast tracks don't look that different from regular beast tracks, half-elf tracks look very similar to human tracks, et cetera) can be distinguished by a tracker for whom such creatures are favored, enemies.
This emphasizes the favored enemy choice. A tracker with Favored Enemy: Aberrations isn't just a tracker: he is an aberration hunter, who can track aberrations better than his peers and identify the fine distinctions between an ordinary vrock's talon scratches and a hated hook horror's claw marks.
Does tracking properly identify the racial types of subrace PCs?
Yes! If you are attempting to track a goblin or kobold PC, they will show up as goblinoid or reptilian, not halfling (the base racial type which those subraces are built upon in our subrace system). Everything will work as expected, when it comes to tracking subrace characters.
How does filtering work for the "/c track" command?
You can use filtering to reduce the number of results shown when performing tracking. For example, consider a tracker searching a crypt for a drow necromancer. The crypt contains sixteen skeletons, the drow necromancer, and a stealthy drow assassin. Regular tracking results might look like:
    Other undistinguishable tracks here.
    Medium-sized elf tracks to the WSW, very distant.
    Medium-sized undead tracks to the WSW, distant.
    Medium-sized undead tracks to the SSW, distant.
    Medium-sized undead tracks to the SSW, distant.
    Medium-sized undead tracks to the SSW, distant.
    Medium-sized undead tracks to the SSW, distant.
    Medium-sized undead tracks to the SSW, distant.
(...repeated ten more times...)But the tracker doesn't care about the list of skeletons! Is there a way to get tracking results about the drow whom you care about, without having the flood of results about the skeletons, whom you don't?
Yes. Use "/c track -race elf", and the only result you get is "Medium-sized elf tracks to the WSW, very distant." This removes all of the undesirable information about the skeletons. Notice that it also removes the first result about indistinguishable tracks, coming from the stealthy drow assassin -- despite the fact that he is actually drow, your tracking results weren't accurate enough to determine that he was drow, and so he got filtered out.
You can do the same trick to filter out creatures by size category, or by name, using "/c track -size" and "/c track -name". Filters can also be combined, so to get only results about medium-sized goblinoids, you can do "/c track -size medium -race goblinoid".
=Divine Wands=
Druids are able to use wands crafted by divine spell-casters.
=Animal Companions=
EFU uses a more dynamic animal companion system where you have to find the companion yourself in the wilderness of the Underdark. A Player Tool called Train Companion is available at the time your ranger or druid receive the Summon Animal Companion feat. By targeting an animal empathized creature, you learn if the animal can be trained as a companion, if you have enough levels (druid and ranger levels) to train the animal, the XP cost of doing so, whether it will replace your old animal companion and ask you to confirm. Repeatedly targeting the animal with the player tool will then turn the animal into your new animal companion.
Use of the Summon Animal Companion feat will call upon the trained animal companion. However, if the Animal Companion dies you will be unable to summon the Animal Companion until the next reset, regardless of resting. There is no XP cost for the animal dying.
You can name your animal companion through the voice command:
    /c name_companion Biter
Which will name your companion Biter. It usually takes a few seconds after the animal companion is summoned or the voice command is issued before you can see the change. Alternatively, you may have to enter a new area. Only one name (no surnames) can be applied at this time.
The start area also have a selection of starting animal companions from the surface. See the parrot.
With this change it is possible for us to give you unique custom animal companions. If you get one of these, remember that death is final.
Also there are some commands available for your companion:
    /c astealth a      <i>Puts your companion in stealth mode.</i>
    /c adetect a      <i>Puts your companion in detect mode.</i>
    /v a      <i>Speaks through your companion.  You do not actually speak through your companion, but you can make it say things such as "Growls".  Type /v a "Growls".</i>
The Wildshapes available to Druids have been significantly altered to a custom system that allows a much larger variety of forms, some of which are unlocked at a higher level or through applications. Additionally, your base physical stats before adjustments from buffs now affect the power of your forms. The exact effects of these custom forms are not publicly disclosed and must be discovered in-game.
In addition, your character's own physical scores translate into bonuses for the wildshapes. Note that this corresponds to your unmodified score, meaning buffs will not be taken into account. The bonuses are as follows:
    11 -- +1 piercing damage
    13 -- +1 piercing damage, +1 AB
    15 -- +2 piercing damage, +1 AB, 1/+1 damage reduction (can pierce through damage reduction +1).
    17 -- +2 piercing damage, +2 AB, 1/+2 damage reduction (can pierce through damage reduction +2).
    11 -- +1 hide/move silently,
    13 -- +2 hide/move silently, 5% concealment versus ranged
    15 -- +3 hide/move silently, 10% concealment versus ranged, +1 AC
    17 -- +4 hide/move silently, 15% concealment versus ranged, +2 AC
    11 -- +1 con
    13 -- +2 con
    15 -- +3 con, +5% physical damage immunity
    17 -- +4 con, +10% physical damage immunity
Wildshape bonuses lost when the skin refreshes can be reset with the chat command:
    /c wildshape_reset
Wildshape can now be controlled through chat commands:
    /c wildshape
    /c wildshape_cast
For a complete list of non-application wildshapes, click [[Wildshapes|Here]]
Existing wildshapes which require an application:

* Ancient Cave Bear
* Displacer Beast
* Air Elemental
* Earth Elemental
* Fire Elemental
* Water Elemental
* Elephant
* Great Black Wolf
* Great Lizard
* Manticore
* Owlbear
* Saber Tooth Tiger
* Shambling Mound
* Wyvern

Flying Wildshapes can now cross terrain unobstructed without the need for grappling. The Climb player tool allows you to transition similar to Potion of Levitation, allowing for vertical climbing of terrain.
{| class="wikitable"
! Change !!
| Wildshape || Removed
| Spellslots || Brought up to match Cleric
| Divine Spellcaster || Druids use Divine Wands and Scrolls
|Resting || Unlike most other classes, Druids do not require a campfire to rest.
|Natural Swiftness || Starting at level 3 Druids begin to move more quickly in natural areas.
  10% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 3 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area.
  15% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 6 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area
  20% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 9 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area.

|Restrictions || Druids restrict themselves to non-metal armor and weapons that are permitted by the Druid Class Weapon Proficiency feat. Other weapon types may be considered by DMs on a case-by-case basis if the item be thematically appropriate to your druid. All druids should be vigorously opposed to the undead, aberrations, and the encroachment of civilization upon the wild.

=Natural Swiftness=
==Druid Perks==
Starting at level 3 Druids begin to move more quickly in natural areas.  10% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 3 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area.
Using the crafting menu, a player can access the Druid perks and gain access to Druidic Channeling.

    15% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 6 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area
Druidic Channeling Uses Per Day: 2 + CHA Modifier
    20% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 9 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area.

===Water Bearer===
Druids restrict themselves to non-metal armor and weapons that are permitted by the Druid Class Weapon Proficiency feat. Other weapon types may be considered by DMs on a case-by-case basis if the item be thematically appropriate to your druid. All druids should be vigorously opposed to the undead, aberrations, and the encroachment of civilization upon the wild.
'''Level 1'''
* Skill Focus: Heal
'''Level 5'''
* Druidic Channeling: Healing Circle
'''Level 8'''
* Level 8: Cure Wounds (light, moderate, serious, critical) restores 5 additional hit points. This includes scrolls, wands, and trinkets but not potions.

Druids have a number of kits available to them, purely optional, to further specialize their druidic abilities.
'''Level 1'''
* +2 Concentration
* +2 Survival
'''Level 5'''
* Druidic Channeling alters based on the Region it's used within
** While in the Canyons areas:
*** +X% Slashing Damage Immunity
*** +1d4 Slashing Damage Shield
** While in the Tundra areas:
*** +X% Cold Damage Immunity
*** +1d4 Cold Damage
** While in the Islands areas:
*** +X% Electrical Damage Immunity
*** +1d4 Electrical Damage
** Other Interior areas:
*** +X% Bludgeoning Damage Immunity
*** 2/- Physical Damage Immunity
** Other Exterior areas:
*** +X% Piercing Damage Immunity
*** 25% Concealment
** X is 10 multiplied by the PC's raw CHA modifier, bounded at 25
** Duration is Round/level
'''Level 8'''
* +10% Damage Immunity based on Region

==Primordial Druid==
===Celestial Charter===
Available only through application.
'''Level 1'''
* +2 Astronomy
* +1 Caster level to Lunar Bolt
* +1 Caster level to Body of the Sun
'''Level 5'''
* Druidic Channeling alters based on the time of day
* Druidic Channeling: Sun Circle
** +1d6 Fire Damage
** +25% Fire Immunity
** Duration: Round/Level
* Druidic Channeling: Moon Circle
** +1 Regeneration
** Turn/level
'''Level 8'''
* Spell Focus: Divination

Must be a non-good druid.  Must remain pure druid (except for PrCs).
===Desert Wanderer===
'''Level 1'''
* +2 Survival
* +2 Hide
* +2 Move Silently
'''Level 5'''
* Drudic Channeling
** +50% Move Speed
** Duration: Round/level
'''Level 8'''
* +5% Movement Speed

Calling upon ancient and strange oozes and slimes, Primordial druids believe their wards are the oldest and most important forms of life in existence. Typically, they view acids as a cleansing force of renewal, and their methods can bring them into conflict with other druids who take a more careful and precise approach to the balance.
===Beast Tender===
'''Level 1'''
* +2 Animal Empathy
* +3 Herbalism
'''Level 5'''
* Druidic Channeling: Reverse Awakening
** Each round while nearby their animal Companion:
** +2 Attack Bonus
** +2 Dodge AC
** Targets: Self
** Duration: Turn/level
'''Level 8'''
* +1 to Enhance Ability rolls (cannot exceed 5)

"In the wake of devastation and destruction, some druids have begun to believe that the only way the world can be renewed and balance restored is for the world to be reverted to the primordial slime. By washing away the abominable horrors by a tide of ooze, new and natural life will begin anew."
===Rot Warden===
'''Level 1'''
* +1 AB vs Beasts
* +1 AB vs Magical Beasts
* +1 AB vs Animals
'''Level 5'''
* Druidic Channeling: Consume
** Consumes the nearest animal carcass and grants:
*** +4 Strength for an Animal corpse
*** +4 Dexterity for a Magical Beast corpse
*** +4 Constitution for a Beast corpse
*** Duration is turn/level
'''Level 8'''
* +2 saves vs Death
* 5/- Negative Energy Resist

As druid, except:
'''Level 1'''
* +1 AB vs Undead
* +1 AB vs Construct
'''Level 5'''
* Druidic Channeling: Destroy the Unnatural
** Deal 1d4/CL magical damage to all nearby Undead and Constructs in a Huge Radius
'''Level 8'''
* +2 Dodge AC vs Undead
* +2 Dodge AC vs Construct

**Summoning theme set to ooze
==Druid Spell List==
**Animal companion works similarly as Ooze Savant ooze familiar (degrade tool, can be fed, etc.)
**25% acid immunity at level 8
**Access to minor slime form polymorph at level 5, more powerful slime at 8

==Rot Druid==
{| class="wikitable"
Available only through application.
! Cantrips!! 1st Circle !! 2nd Circle !! 3rd Circle !! 4th Circle !! 5th Circle !! 6th Circle
| Cure Minor Wounds || Camoflage || Barkskin || Call Lightning || [[Custom_Spells#Cone_of_Stone|Cone of Stone]] || Awaken || Energy Buffer
| Flare || Cure Light Wounds || Blood Frenzy || Contagion || Cure Serious Wounds || [[Custom_Spells#Baleful_Polymorph|Baleful Polymorph]] || Greater Dispelling
| Light || Endure Elements || [[Custom_Spells#Body_of_the_Sun|Body of the Sun]] || Cure Moderate Wounds || Dispel Magic || Crumble || Greater Stoneskin
| Resistance || Entangle || - || Dominate Animal || Flame Strike || Cure Critical Wounds || Healing Circle
| Virtue || Flame Lash || - || Greater Magic Fang || Freedom of Movement || Death Ward || [[Custom_Spells#Herald_of_Winter|Herald of Winter]]
| Acid Splash || Grease || Charm Person or Animal || Hypothermia || [[Custom_Spells#Greater_Creeping_Cold|Greater Creeping Cold]] || Drown || Regenerate
| Electric Jolt || Jump || [[Custom_Spells#Creeping_Cold|Creeping Cold]] || [[Custom_Spells#Ice_Whip|Ice Whip]] || Hold Monster || [[Custom_Spells#Extract_Water_Elemental|Extract Water Elemental]] || [[Custom_Spells#Scrying|Scrying]]
| - || Magic Fang || Enhance Ability || Infestation of Maggots || Ice Storm || Inferno || Slay Living
| - || [[Custom_Spells#Sand_Splash|Sand Splash]] || - || Mass Ultravision || [[Custom_Spells#Lunar_Bolt|Lunar Bolt]] || Monstrous Regeneration || Stonehold
| - || Sleep || Healing Sting || Neutralize Poison || Mass Camoflage || Owls Insight || Summon Creature VI
| - || Summon Creature I || [[Custom_Spells#Hearthfire|Hearthfire]] || Poison || Stoneskin || [Custom_Spells#Sand_Storm|Sand Storm] || -
| - || Ultravision || Hold Animal || Protection from Elements || Summon Creature IV || Spell Resistance || -
| - || - || Lesser Dispel || Quillfire || Wall of Fire || Summon Creature V || -
| - || - || Lesser Restoration || Remove Disease || [[Custom_Spells#Wall_of_Ice|Wall of Ice]] || Vine Mine || -
| - || - || One with the Land || [[Custom_Spells#Sand_Pillar|Sand Pillar]] || - || - || -
| - || - || - || [[Custom_Spells#Spiderskin|Spiderskin]] || - || - || -
| - || - || [[Custom_Spells#Quicksand|Quicksand]] || Spike Growth || - || - || -
| - || || Resist Elements || Summon Creature III || - || - || -
| - || - || Summon Creature II || [[Custom_Spells#Summon_Swarm|Summon Swarm]] || - || - || -
| - || - || Web || - || - || - || -

Rot Druids spread decay, rot, disease and often form alliances with a strange race of insectoid people known as the formians. Their ways emphasize the natural decay of life. Rot Druids gain access custom wildshape forms and if they apply for the Rot lair they may receive other, specialized benefits.  This is a very difficult class to gain, but perhaps harder to play.  It typically involves extreme loneliness and few (if any) allies.
==Animal Companions==

Special Rot Shapes:
{| class="wikitable"
! Animal Companion
| Crocodile
| Dire Rat
| Fox
| Giant Spider
| Goat
| Hawk
| Hyena
| Leopard
| Lion
| Lizard
| Scarab
| Tortoise
| Viper
| Wild Dog

**Rothive Taskmaster
**Rothive Myrmarch

[[Category:Character Classes]]

Latest revision as of 21:02, 26 April 2024


Alignment: Any Neutral
HP/Level: 8 + CON
Armor (Light, Medium), Shields, Weapons (Druid)
Skill Points: 6 + INT
Saves: Fort High, Will High, Reflex Low
BAB: +3/4
New Characters
Skill Changes
Feat Changes
Death in EFU


Druids tend to spend time away from settled neighborhoods and large groups of people, often preferring the company of vermin and stray animals and seeking out the secluded places where nature can still thrive unoppressed. They prefer to inhabit the wilderness, or to coexist with natural life in unnatural places (e.g. among worms in the gutters, or among a pack of wild dogs in an abandoned house).

Regardless, all druids should generally adhere to the following guidelines lest they lose their strange powers:

  • Druids have an aversion to civilization and conventional civilized behavior, but particularly for the encroachment of civilization upon the wilderness
  • Druids must have a general respect for nature, particularly animals and plant life, and should strive to maintain the fragile balance of nature
  • Druids hold a loathing for such practices as animating the dead, summoning extraplanar beings, and similarly intrusive, unnatural acts of magic
  • Druids particularly oppose the presence of aberrations and djinn, as well as the depraved mages who summon them
  • Druids may not wear metal armor (including mithral) or a metal shield, nor brandish non-druidic metal weaponry
  • Druids may not teach the druidic secrets to any non-druid.


Alignment: Any Neutral

Hit Points: 8 + CON per level

Proficiencies: Armor (Light, Medium), Shields, Weapon (Druid)

Skill Points: 6 + INT modifier per level, (6+INT)*4 at 1st level

Class Skills: Animal Empathy, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Trap, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, Persuade, Spellcraft

Save Progression: Fort High, Will High, Ref Low

Attack Bonus: +3/4 levels

Spellcasting: Divine (spell failure from armor is ignored), wisdom-based (a base wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level is required to cast a spell, bonus spells are based on modified wisdom, and the wisdom modifier affects spell DCs), and requires preparation.


Wildshape Removed
Spellslots Brought up to match Cleric
Divine Spellcaster Druids use Divine Wands and Scrolls
Resting Unlike most other classes, Druids do not require a campfire to rest.
Natural Swiftness Starting at level 3 Druids begin to move more quickly in natural areas.
  10% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 3 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area.
  15% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 6 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area
  20% movement speed increase if the PC has at least 9 druid levels, and is in a wilderness area.
Restrictions Druids restrict themselves to non-metal armor and weapons that are permitted by the Druid Class Weapon Proficiency feat. Other weapon types may be considered by DMs on a case-by-case basis if the item be thematically appropriate to your druid. All druids should be vigorously opposed to the undead, aberrations, and the encroachment of civilization upon the wild.

Druid Perks

Using the crafting menu, a player can access the Druid perks and gain access to Druidic Channeling.

Druidic Channeling Uses Per Day: 2 + CHA Modifier

Water Bearer

Level 1

  • Skill Focus: Heal

Level 5

  • Druidic Channeling: Healing Circle

Level 8

  • Level 8: Cure Wounds (light, moderate, serious, critical) restores 5 additional hit points. This includes scrolls, wands, and trinkets but not potions.


Level 1

  • +2 Concentration
  • +2 Survival

Level 5

  • Druidic Channeling alters based on the Region it's used within
    • While in the Canyons areas:
      • +X% Slashing Damage Immunity
      • +1d4 Slashing Damage Shield
    • While in the Tundra areas:
      • +X% Cold Damage Immunity
      • +1d4 Cold Damage
    • While in the Islands areas:
      • +X% Electrical Damage Immunity
      • +1d4 Electrical Damage
    • Other Interior areas:
      • +X% Bludgeoning Damage Immunity
      • 2/- Physical Damage Immunity
    • Other Exterior areas:
      • +X% Piercing Damage Immunity
      • 25% Concealment
    • X is 10 multiplied by the PC's raw CHA modifier, bounded at 25
    • Duration is Round/level

Level 8

  • +10% Damage Immunity based on Region

Celestial Charter

Level 1

  • +2 Astronomy
  • +1 Caster level to Lunar Bolt
  • +1 Caster level to Body of the Sun

Level 5

  • Druidic Channeling alters based on the time of day
  • Druidic Channeling: Sun Circle
    • +1d6 Fire Damage
    • +25% Fire Immunity
    • Duration: Round/Level
  • Druidic Channeling: Moon Circle
    • +1 Regeneration
    • Turn/level

Level 8

  • Spell Focus: Divination

Desert Wanderer

Level 1

  • +2 Survival
  • +2 Hide
  • +2 Move Silently

Level 5

  • Drudic Channeling
    • +50% Move Speed
    • Duration: Round/level

Level 8

  • +5% Movement Speed

Beast Tender

Level 1

  • +2 Animal Empathy
  • +3 Herbalism

Level 5

  • Druidic Channeling: Reverse Awakening
    • Each round while nearby their animal Companion:
    • +2 Attack Bonus
    • +2 Dodge AC
    • Targets: Self
    • Duration: Turn/level

Level 8

  • +1 to Enhance Ability rolls (cannot exceed 5)

Rot Warden

Level 1

  • +1 AB vs Beasts
  • +1 AB vs Magical Beasts
  • +1 AB vs Animals

Level 5

  • Druidic Channeling: Consume
    • Consumes the nearest animal carcass and grants:
      • +4 Strength for an Animal corpse
      • +4 Dexterity for a Magical Beast corpse
      • +4 Constitution for a Beast corpse
      • Duration is turn/level

Level 8

  • +2 saves vs Death
  • 5/- Negative Energy Resist


Level 1

  • +1 AB vs Undead
  • +1 AB vs Construct

Level 5

  • Druidic Channeling: Destroy the Unnatural
    • Deal 1d4/CL magical damage to all nearby Undead and Constructs in a Huge Radius

Level 8

  • +2 Dodge AC vs Undead
  • +2 Dodge AC vs Construct

Druid Spell List

Cantrips 1st Circle 2nd Circle 3rd Circle 4th Circle 5th Circle 6th Circle
Cure Minor Wounds Camoflage Barkskin Call Lightning Cone of Stone Awaken Energy Buffer
Flare Cure Light Wounds Blood Frenzy Contagion Cure Serious Wounds Baleful Polymorph Greater Dispelling
Light Endure Elements Body of the Sun Cure Moderate Wounds Dispel Magic Crumble Greater Stoneskin
Resistance Entangle - Dominate Animal Flame Strike Cure Critical Wounds Healing Circle
Virtue Flame Lash - Greater Magic Fang Freedom of Movement Death Ward Herald of Winter
Acid Splash Grease Charm Person or Animal Hypothermia Greater Creeping Cold Drown Regenerate
Electric Jolt Jump Creeping Cold Ice Whip Hold Monster Extract Water Elemental Scrying
- Magic Fang Enhance Ability Infestation of Maggots Ice Storm Inferno Slay Living
- Sand Splash - Mass Ultravision Lunar Bolt Monstrous Regeneration Stonehold
- Sleep Healing Sting Neutralize Poison Mass Camoflage Owls Insight Summon Creature VI
- Summon Creature I Hearthfire Poison Stoneskin Sand Storm] -
- Ultravision Hold Animal Protection from Elements Summon Creature IV Spell Resistance -
- - Lesser Dispel Quillfire Wall of Fire Summon Creature V -
- - Lesser Restoration Remove Disease Wall of Ice Vine Mine -
- - One with the Land Sand Pillar - - -
- - - Spiderskin - - -
- - Quicksand Spike Growth - - -
- Resist Elements Summon Creature III - - -
- - Summon Creature II Summon Swarm - - -
- - Web - - - -

Animal Companions

Animal Companion
Dire Rat
Giant Spider
Wild Dog

Bard Barbarian Cleric

Primary DomainsSecondary DomainsAirChaosDeathDestructionDwarfEarthElfEvilFireGnomeGoodHalflingKnowledgeLawMagicOrcSunWater

Fighter Paladin Ranger
Rogue Sorcerer
Astrologian Druid Fencer Monk Wizard