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Alignment: Any
HP/Level: 6 + CON
Armor (Light), Weapons (Rogue)
Skill Points: 10 + INT
Saves: Fort Low, Will Low, Reflex High
BAB: +3/4
New Characters
Skill Changes
Feat Changes
Death in EFU


Evasion Evasion is gained at level 3, up from level 2.
Weapon Proficiency: Rogue Now includes Light Hammer, Spear & Short Spear
Urban Stealth Characters with at least 5 levels of rogue now get +4/+4 hide/ms in city/sewer areas.
Skill Specialisation Rogues gain a +10 bonus to one skill at L9, based on the L8 perk they picked.

Sneak Attack

So long as the Rogue has levels higher than, or equal to, their target they can overcome Uncanny Dodge II and successfully land sneak attacks. Previously a rogue had to have at least four more levels than the target.


Like many classes in EFU Rogues have a large list of perks to choose from. However unlike most classes they get to choose multiple perks - one at level 4, 6 and 8, with level 8 perks being more powerful. Also unlike most classes, you will always receive your perk benefits once earned, even if you fall in levels.

Rogue on EFU is a very versatile class, able to fill a lot of different roles. Although it works well in combination as a multiclass, the EFU DM team would give this additional incentive to remain pure and help better realize your character's concept through sixteen new perks added specifically for rogues - as a bonus to the selection already available.

You can find a complete list of Rogue perks here.

Rogue Minor Perks

Rogues may select 1 Minor Perk at Level 4, and 1 Minor Perk at Level 6.

Rogue Major Perks

Pure Rogues may select 1 Major Perk at Level 8. At level 9, a pure rogue receives a skill bonus of +10 to a skill corresponding to their major perk choice.

Cut Purse

Rogues and Bards receive a Cut Purse player tool accessible through the Crafting Menu which allows you to cut another player's purse to steal a small amount of gold from them - often without them getting any IC or OOC indication of who did it depending on how you perform the theft, how well your skill checks are and various other factors. Please remember that PVP rules apply to this tool! You should not use Cut Purse in an area populated by blue-named NPCs without a DM supervising.

  • There is a 30-minute delay on using Cut Purse on the same target again.
  • Size of the purse matters – for someone with five gold coins, losing even one is a major setback and very easy to discern. Get up in the thousands and you may not notice the few gold coins slipping away.
  • Even if you are successful - the target will (after a certain delay) receive a message saying that their purse is missing.
  • If you fail your PC will be dropped out of stealth and an emote forced on your PC indicating that he attempted so.
  • Pickpocket skill will help ensure the target does not actually see the attempted theft.
  • Bluff skill will allow you to act casually so that they do not know it was you.
  • Stealth and or invisibility will increase your chances of success by making it harder to spot the attempt.

Examine Mark

Rogues receive access to a special player tool that can be used via the player tools menu. When used on a PC, this tool will tell you varying amounts of information about the target based on certain skills and how many Rogue levels you have.

  • If the examiner has 4 Rogue levels: they will be told if the target is in Detect Mode and if the target is in Stealth Mode (if you see the target).
  • If the examiner has 5 Rogue levels and at least 7 modified Spot: when used on a target that is already in Stealth Mode they will be given an approximate value of the targets Hide and Move Silently skill levels.
  • If the examiner has 6 Rogue levels with at least 7 modified Spot: they will be given an approximate value of the targets Spot skill level.
  • If the examiner has 6 Rogue levels: they will be given the targets approximate value of gold held. The more pickpocket and wisdom the target has the less likely you will receive this information, or it may be less accurate.
  • If the examiner has 7 Rogue levels with at least 5 modified Spot: they will be given the approximate value of the targets net weight of possessions.
  • If the examiner has 8 Rogue levels with at least 14 modified Spot: they will be given the targets approximate Listen skill level.
  • If the examiner has 8 Rogue levels with at least 11 modified Heal and Spot skill: they will be given the targets exact current and maximum HP values.

Use Magic Device

Use Magic Device is a skill which allows Rogues to use a wide variety of trinkets, wands, rods and equipment not normally usable by Rogues. In the low level setting of EFU this can be quite potent indeed once the Rogue gets their UMD skill to a sufficient level.

Basic Guidelines

Some five years ago a DM called Thrawn modified the UMD so that each point of UMD would give a boost to your ability to use magical devices of higher total cost instead of giving a boost on every instance of five points. This means in practice that in EFU, every point into UMD will progressively increase your chance to use items that might otherwise be inaccessible to you.

The highest amount is used if there are two or more restricting factors in the item, for instance an item only usable by Halfling and only usable by Evil will use the Alignment UMD value. Your UMD value will allow you to use items which have total cost below your UMD value and the appropriate restriction table.

Item Cost

Total cost refers to the cost that is calculated for the item by the game, depending on the abilities it is capable of doing. For instance, a normal longsword has a total cost of 30 gold coins. Adding +1 cold damage to it will raise its total cost by the NWN standards to a total cost of 580 gold coins. The total cost is not the selling price you receive in shops or even the price you buy them from shops. You cannot determine the true cost of the items you hold in game through any method but you can verify it by creating an exact duplicate of the weapon/item in the toolset and then viewing its total cost.

Note that the additional cost can be set by DM to any for any item they create, thus raising the total cost. That means you cannot know for certain if the items total cost is the same it would be if you created a duplicate of that. The DMs likely only bother to change items cost for exceptional items and for a good reason. If you encounter an item which does not have the normal total cost, it is not allowed to spread the knowledge of its modified total cost or value of UMD needed to use it.


In the gameworld, many items are restricted in some ways. You are usually allowed to use any item you find with your UMD skill, however few exceptions exist to that rule. First, if an item has "//OOC: Do not use this item if you are not a Halfling and of Good alignment" then it means you are not allowed to use it under any circumstances when you don't meet all the requirements. This is of course unless a DM has directly told you that you can use it.

Second, use your common sense. Although most of these items are marked with the earlier //OOC mark in its description, there might exist items like Only usable by halfling -suits, which might not be magical but simply too small for larger type of creatures to use. No magical proficiency will make you able to fit into pants which are five size smaller than your own. If you are not sure whether you can use a certain item with UMD, you should always consult a DM first.

Bard Barbarian Cleric

Primary DomainsSecondary DomainsAirChaosDeathDestructionDwarfEarthElfEvilFireGnomeGoodHalflingKnowledgeLawMagicOrcSunWater

Fighter Paladin Ranger
Rogue Sorcerer
Astrologian Druid Fencer Monk Wizard